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crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state

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crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state Empty crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state

Post by Guest Thu 21 Jun 2018, 19:31

Hello ! first of all thank you for your good work Very Happy

I'm having an issue in-game with the woodwork table, every planter pot I make appears as burnt. There was no sign of burning on my place, and after some researches I found a comment on EA support, people having the same issue as me: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/FIXED-OR-Outdoor-Retreat-crafted-planters-are-appearing-in-the/td-p/6401887

It seems it's an issue which appeared for everyone and was resolved with patch 1.43.14. I verified and it seems we have only til update on G4TW. Because Seasons are coming, everyone is only talking about the seasons' patch, but this in-game issue will it be resolved only with the seasons' patch ? Or will I need to have this patch too ? And then will it be possible for you to offer it to us (please) ? x)

I know it may appears as not important to have burnt planter pot with the woodwork table, but I use it all the time in my gameplay, so I'm sad to see my sim's great work is burnt lol


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crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state Empty Re: crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 21 Jun 2018, 22:08

Fartlander wrote:Hello ! first of all thank you for your good work Very Happy

I'm having an issue in-game with the woodwork table, every planter pot I make appears as burnt. There was no sign of burning on my place, and after some researches I found a comment on EA support, people having the same issue as me: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/FIXED-OR-Outdoor-Retreat-crafted-planters-are-appearing-in-the/td-p/6401887

It seems it's an issue which appeared for everyone and was resolved with patch 1.43.14. I verified and it seems we have only til update on G4TW. Because Seasons are coming, everyone is only talking about the seasons' patch, but this in-game issue will it be resolved only with the seasons' patch ? Or will I need to have this patch too ? And then will it be possible for you to offer it to us (please) ? x)

I know it may appears as not important to have burnt planter pot with the woodwork table, but I use it all the time in my gameplay, so I'm sad to see my sim's great work is burnt lol


Once we release a torrent for "Seasons", it will already include the data from these intermediary patches (, 1.44-something). So you would just need to apply the Seasons-torrent - the usual copy/paste - and you should be fine. Smile
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crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state Empty Re: crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state

Post by Guest Thu 21 Jun 2018, 22:51

Ok ! Well it's perfect then o/ Thanks a lot ! All Hail Carlos!


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crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state Empty Re: crafted planters are appearing in the burnt state

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