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sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED]

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sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] Empty sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 06 May 2019, 23:16

So after looking around both G4TW forums and elsewhere, I can't seem to find a solution to my problem. My game is completely up to date, I'm only trying to add one mod (4 columns in CAS) and two recolors I made into my game, but they don't show up in the pop up on the main menu or in my game. I tried downloading a male top cc to see if it was only an issue with buy/build mode, but I don't even have an option to sort by custom content. See picture below:
 sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] PkQtL59

Unless sims recently got rid of sorting by custom content and I didn't know about that, I'm not sure why it's not showing up. I have my mods in subfolders, resource.cfg is fine, mods are updated and enabled in the in-game menu, so I'm not entirely sure what I did wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated (:


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sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] Empty Re: sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2019, 10:29

Sounds like you're putting those mods in wrong folder. They should be in "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods". I just downloaded the latest "More Columns in CAS" (version 1.7) and it works fine. Filtering by Custom Content is gone when the game detects no CC.
sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] 111
sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] 211
sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] 310

If you're sure you're putting them in correct folder go to "Documents\Electronic Arts" and rename "The Sims 4" folder. For example to "The Sims 4 old". Start the game, close it, and copy your saves and mods from renamed folder to newly created one.


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sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] Empty Re: sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 08 May 2019, 20:35

renaming the old one seemed to work, thank you!

Gatekeeper Edit: problem solved, topic closed.

- The_gh0stm4n


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sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED] Empty Re: sims 4 cc doesn't show up anywhere. [SOLVED]

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