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Mod introduction?

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Mod introduction? Empty Mod introduction?

Post by Guest Tue 16 Jul 2019, 15:58


I have just discovered what mods are and that they exist! So, I am interested in having some since I find the usual Sims 4 very predictable. 

However, since I've downloaded Sims 4 with the guide where you have to download each DLC (20 step guide), I am afraid mods can ruin the game and I'll have to uninstall everything. My question is - how safe are mods for downloading? 
I am interested in mods that make the game more realistic, rather than the ones with new furniture, makeup, clothes etc..

Is there an installation guide for them? Are there any sites which you'd recommend for downloading mods?

Thank you in advance for the patience!


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Mod introduction? Empty Re: Mod introduction?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 16 Jul 2019, 19:43

You basically start up the game once, and then there will be created a folder under...

Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods

Remember, it's "Documents". So not where the actual installation files are located. But then you'll have a subfolder The Sims 4, and within that folder, another subfolder "Mods". And that's where you put your Mod files under.

You can safely have one level of subfolders within "Mods", for better organization, but some mods don't work if you put them under a complex layer of subfolders. See this comment for example.

I suggest just putting everything under Mods at first, and then see how much organization you need to do. We used to have an introduction to mods, but because it's partially outdated, I removed it for the moment.

A popular script mod is this here:
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