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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 20:00

That's pretty much that. In Create a Character, when i pick favorite food, color, and when i need to pick lifetime wish, they don't appear, there's nothing to pick which doesn't allow me to finish my character creation. Please, could i get some suggestions/help?


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Thu 06 Sep 2012, 20:44

Do you have any mods or cc?
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 21:08

No, recently i installed The Sims 3 base game + all expansions and stuff packs, including Supernatural which i dl'ed and installed today (all from G4TW, dl's and installation guide) and i probably wont even put any mods or CC in game cause it usually makes my game very slow.


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Thu 06 Sep 2012, 21:10

Had you been playing fine before you installed Supernatural?

Try dragging the sims 3 folder from Documents/Electronic Arts to your desktop.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 06 Sep 2012, 21:31


This is a known issue, but I forgot the fix for it.
Try resetting your Sim, using the resetsim [SIM FULL NAME] cheat.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 21:47

No i haven't played it before i installed Supernaturals. It's like this: i installed Supernatural, started game, went into Create a Character, was about to finish but couldn't cause of the problem i wrote above. And now, i found another problem. I thought i should see if i can pick some already made household, as i was in zoomed out mode, picking some random household, and clicking on it to play it, and as usually i expected a camera to move to the picked house, but it stayed in town mode and i couldn't do anything, anymore, there were no options on a side (to create new char, or new household) all i could do is close game. I will try suggestions and will let you know if it did anything.


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 06 Sep 2012, 22:02


Try these, please: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t4692-game-lag-possible-fixes
Especially step 6, DO NOT skip that one!
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 02:33

I am having the same exact issue. Just installed Supernatural.


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 02:54

Weklim wrote:I am having the same exact issue. Just installed Supernatural.

Please open your own topic so that we can give you more personalized help. Though the problems may be the same, the solutions might not be.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 05:36

I have this exact problem. I recently installed a SSD, so i had to re install all my games and applications. After about a month i got to re installing the sims 3, and downloaded all the expansion packs that i wanted from you guys(ambitions, fast lane, high end loft, late night, master suite, outdoor living, and town life). I also downloaded to ultimate fix (the one created yesterday) and i start up my game and it doesn't let me choose a household because it just simply doesn't even load it. My screen just watches over the entire town, no matter what world it is, and i can move up and down, rotate my screen too, but that's it. So i decided to create a sim to play the game. Turns out i have no lifetime wishes somehow. When it loads my lifetime wishes, it displays a blank box, rendering me incapable of creating a sim.

One last thing, why would you link us to a thread related to lag issues when this has nothing to do with it? If it somehow does have to do with lag, then how is it that i can play games like BF3 on max settings ,with this gaming rig, without any issues?


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:09

Ryere wrote:I have this exact problem. I recently installed a SSD, so i had to re install all my games and applications. After about a month i got to re installing the sims 3, and downloaded all the expansion packs that i wanted from you guys(ambitions, fast lane, high end loft, late night, master suite, outdoor living, and town life). I also downloaded to ultimate fix (the one created yesterday) and i start up my game and it doesn't let me choose a household because it just simply doesn't even load it. My screen just watches over the entire town, no matter what world it is, and i can move up and down, rotate my screen too, but that's it. So i decided to create a sim to play the game. Turns out i have no lifetime wishes somehow. When it loads my lifetime wishes, it displays a blank box, rendering me incapable of creating a sim.

One last thing, why would you link us to a thread related to lag issues when this has nothing to do with it? If it somehow does have to do with lag, then how is it that i can play games like BF3 on max settings ,with this gaming rig, without any issues?

Answering the bottom part, TS3 is very odd, game-wise. Some people have no issues running it on a very basic computer that couldn't run anything else if it tried, and some people can't have anything higher than medium settings on the newest, top of the line gaming computers. So we set a link to that post, because Gamebooster, which is step 6 in there, can help no matter what end your computer is on. And, we've seen issues where it was an out-of-the-blue idea to do something like that, and it helped with the problem. It's now a pretty common thing, if there's any possibility that it will help that we send people there.

But I digress. If you open your own topic, your problem is one I've seen a lot tonight, and so it's possibly a very very quick fix. Smile
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 13:46

Okay, i tryed all the suggestions and here's the result. 1st suggestion that says i should drag the sims 3 folder to desktop, didn't do anything, problem is still there. 2nd suggestion: ''Try resetting your Sim, using the resetsim [SIM FULL NAME] cheat.'' if i understand right, that only works if you already have made sims or if you already started playing the game, but i haven't (cause i can't, it won't allow me), i can't even make my sim :/ 3rd suggestion says i should try those 6 possible fixes, so i checked what are those and here's one by one: 1st 4 steps/fixes i ''skiped''...why? cause i haven't even started playing, so i don't see how is this possible, and i remember few months ago when i played The Sims 3 with all expansions and stuff packs up to Pets, i had no problems with lag even if i would have a lots of new households and huge new lots/houses. I don't have any mods/cc. 5th step suggests that i should lower video settings and also try windowed mode, so i've put all settings on lowest i could and it didn't helped and also windowed mode didn't helped too. 6th step...i dl'ed GameBooster, i tryed to do what 6th step suggests but when i enter GB it only shows some of the sims 3 expansions, it doesn't show base game and few new expansions/stuff packs (it shows: ambitions, fast lane, generations, high-end, late night, outdoor, WA) so i couldn't really do that step. Tho i did tryed to use it on one of the expansions but it also didn't do anything, problem is still there. I guess i didn't installed something right? During installation everything seemed fine and no errors showed up so i really don't know what to do. Tho there is one thing, in the ultimate fix installation guide when i get to the steps 10-14... i can't do step 11. cause it doesn't show any updates. I don't know if that has to do anything with it but just thought i should let you know. Okay so here i'll type once more what's the problem, so that there's no confusion. 1st a week ago or so, i installed The Sims 3 base game and all the expansions/stuff packs from G4TW according to the installation guide from this forum. It seemed that everything went fine, but i installed that patch so i couldn't play game and had to wait for Supernatural to come out. So i waited and installed it. No errors or anything showed up. So i started game, it looked a bit slow but okay, i went to Create a Character mode and started making my char but i couldn't finish creation cause Lifetime Wishes wouldn't appear, so i abandoned that and picked some of the already made chars that come with game and they also didn't had lifetime wishes. So i tryed to skip making my own char and go to town to pick some of the households, as i would click on one of them, and try to start the gameplay (usually it would zoom in to the picked house/family and you could play with your sims) but now it would do the loading part and it wouldn't zoom in the house, it would stay in town mode. I tryed the same when entering Edit Town mode, i would click on ET mode and pick some of the households and mark it as Active household, but when trying to play it, it wouldn't let me zoom in and would stay in town mode. As it stays in town mode, it also doesn't have any of the options on a side (to edit town or pick new household, or even the ones that appear after you enter the house) So yeah, thats all. I'm afraid that i didn't do something right, during the installation :/ I'm noob, obviously XD


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 19:14

Could you take a screenshot of your launcher? I just want to check something. Smile
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 22:16

It's strange that gamebooster wasn't registering that those other expansions were there. Oh well though.

Let's try having you re-patch, with the manual patch. It'll tell you that you've already got that game version, but go through with it anyways. Sometimes that can help.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 23:19

This is what i get after using manual patch: https://2img.net/h/oi47.tinypic.com/2wdvtwx.jpg


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 23:30

Alright, now re-do the fix.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 23:44

Now i can start the game but i got the same (old) problems. :/


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Sat 08 Sep 2012, 03:23

Censored well that's no good. I'm running out of ideas now.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 08 Sep 2012, 06:43

Is it possible that i did something wrong during installation? even if i can open/start the game :/


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 08 Sep 2012, 10:18


Did you try this?

invalidusername wrote:

Try dragging the sims 3 folder from Documents/Electronic Arts to your desktop.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 08 Sep 2012, 15:03

I did, i already said that. :/


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 08 Sep 2012, 19:20


Yeah sorry about that, I overlooked that.
Hmm well at this point I'd suggest reinstalling it, but before you do there's something you could try. it may not seem like much but then again, it may just fix this issue.
Download and install the manual patch, even though you're already at that patch level, and don't forget to re apply the crack from the fix.
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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 08 Sep 2012, 21:01

i was about to reinstall, but what lady eldi said above plus turning off and on the computer once, is what fixed my game Smile


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Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sat 08 Sep 2012, 22:45


Glad to hear that did the trick, thank you Lady ElDi!
Enjoy the game and please let us know if you run into any more problems! Lifetime Wishes don't appear. [SOLVED] 611149516
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