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please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED]

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please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED] Empty please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Fri 05 Oct 2012, 06:20

is the website games4theworldDOTorg down? ive tried diff web browsers but none of them pull it up anymore it either says oops that page could not be found or it says something els similar. So my question is, IS the site working for any of you?? yes OR no?

optional: if it is working for yall, can you tell me what to do to make it work again on my computer?

FYI replace the DOT with a . i cant share links yet


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please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED] Empty Re: please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED]

Post by Dieneryn Fri 05 Oct 2012, 06:51

No it's not working now Sad
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please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED] Empty Re: please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Fri 05 Oct 2012, 06:54

thank you. At least you were nice enough to give me an answer took 8 whole views Sad


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please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED] Empty Re: please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Fri 05 Oct 2012, 09:29


One location is quite enough for your question. Please don't open more than one topic about the same thing. This one is now closed since it doesn't belong in this section.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED] Empty Re: please answer my question just a simple yes or no.[CLOSED]

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