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Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 19:53

Firstly I'd like to say a big time thank you for the game+ the forums, I was having a hard time installing it(cause I wasn't doing it right) but I managed to after reading the forums Very Happy

Secondly I'd like to apologize if my post is in the wrong section, I can't seem to find a"Questions" subforum I is confused

Thirdly.. a question.

When I installed the base game I had chosen English but all of the expansions were installed in Greek (my native language) - there was no option upon installing. So I want to know is it possible to change the game language after the installation?

I have no problem with my own language but in games I SO prefer English.


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Tue 02 Oct 2012, 20:20

Hello there,

Welcome to the Forum!
Yes, that is possible, please open your Registry and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > SimsHere you have to open all the folders for the The Sims 3 games you have installed and change all the languages separately.
For example, if you want to change the language of the base game, open the "The Sims 3" folder and double-click on the "Country" string.
Change its value to the desired language code. For English that should be "EN".
Change languange possible? [SOLVED] 09876510

As you can see, it's "NL" in my case, since my game is installed in Dutch.

Let us know if you need any assistance and don't forget to change the language for all the expansions too. Good luck!
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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 20:49


I did,changed all of them to English ( I don't have supernatural, cannot find the torrent) but after I entered the game again it was still in Greek. Does it require a pc reboot or something?


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 20:57

If you want the Supernatural, you can find it here.
Please remember the Ultimate FIX and manual Patch - only if you need to patch it. Very Happy



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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 21:03

Auntie Bella wrote:If you want the Supernatural, you can find it here.
Please remember the Ultimate FIX and manual Patch - only if you need to patch it. Very Happy

I already put the patch + fix for base game and the rest of the expansions, do I need to re-add them after installing Supernatural?
cause I tried it earlier with another expansion and it told me "already have newest version bla bla bla"


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 21:09

I would think that you need to re-do them all, since there is a new patch out. Just to be on the safe side. Wink


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 21:33

I checked the registry as the admin said and all the Data in the Counry thing is GR But my game is in English? why?


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 21:48

Maybe you should read this page to see how to change your language.


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 21:52

The Sims 3 games does not have a language option in the registry... It just says country which is set to Greek (GR) But the game is still in english


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 21:56

I'm looking at it now and I can see, that's not for Viasta and Windows 7.
What's your SKU value?


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 02 Oct 2012, 22:12

Your SKU must match Country
Either you have 0x00000002 - 2 for Europe
or you have 0x00000007 - 7 for Worldwide

However if you have either a 1, 3 or 5 in the end of the SKU Value,
you must change it to either 2 or 7.

I guess that's the reason for the language for not changing to greek.


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 03 Oct 2012, 09:20

Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Q23r4

I changed the SKU value to 2 and language to English but it still still in Greek.


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 03 Oct 2012, 09:41


I wouldn't bother with that if I were you. If the game is in your preferred language now, don't touch anything else. Don't fix what isn't broken. You might break it.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 03 Oct 2012, 11:09

ZomGhee wrote:Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Q23r4

I changed the SKU value to 2 and language to English but it still still in Greek.

I guess, if you want to change the language, you should not do by one expansion pack, but at the base game like Admin told you to.
I can see, that you're are trying to change by one expansion pack only - Supernatural - please try to change it through the Base Game or all the all through every expansion and extra packs


I also see that the locale REG_SZ ins't changed, I can help wondering, if that's the problem....try to change it to en-UK or en-US


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 03 Oct 2012, 12:23

Auntie Bella wrote:
I guess, if you want to change the language, you should not do by one expansion pack, but at the base game like Admin told you to.
I can see, that you're are trying to change by one expansion pack only - Supernatural - please try to change it through the Base Game or all the all through every expansion and extra packs


I also see that the locale REG_SZ ins't changed, I can help wondering, if that's the problem....try to change it to en-UK or en-US

I changed all not one..
I just posted a pic of one,surely I wasn't gonna post pics of all showing separately..
I tried changing the REG_SZ to en-UK but it gave me "an unexpected error occurred , wait for the program to respond or close it."

So, I changed them all to en-US instead and it works great,my game is now in English, and somehow it even loads faster, thanks for the help!


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Change languange possible? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Change languange possible? [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Wed 03 Oct 2012, 18:44


Glad to hear it's working now!
I wasn't sure whether the Locale was going to make a difference, so I thought I should add that if the "Country" wouldn't work. But I see you already found out.

Anyhow, enjoy the game and please let us know if you need any more assistance! Change languange possible? [SOLVED] 611149516
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