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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

Post by Guest Sat 27 Oct 2012, 12:40

How is it going, dearest and respectable members of this honorable forum?

I am Kabiru Touray, but my username everywhere I go on the web is of course Romantyke. I choose this name because I got married very early and adopted kids.... very early too.

I am born in Kenya in Africa, but in 2005, I fled with my family to canada and I had to get used to the occidental and modern lifestyle. Very soon, i became a video gamer, and went addicted to the games very quickly.

I am also a athlete... well, a horseback rider, but you could call that a sport too, since it takes lots of endurance at the beginning. My sims in the sims 3 are equestrian champions. As for me, I'm much too shy to start a big carrer in this. I still have my own stallion at the nearest stable and go for a ride with it two days per week, three during summers.

Sice I've got nine little brothers and sisters, I had to help my parnets for everything. Life in Canada made things a lot easier and I started goign away by myself. For my 17th birthday, I went to a trip in New-York city, and I met a african american man which is my actual husband. As soon as he got here in quebec, we got married and considered having kids. We adopted them very easily, since our reputation in montreal was positive. i was afriad that they would refuse us to adopt kids, since we were very young and gays, too. But it worked fine, and life is good, even though we're poor.

My job is writer for defense of the gays, blacks and women's rights. My husband is a lawyer.

Your website is giving away useful softwares and the wonderful sims 3 games. I owe you much. Be proud that you give smiles to the world. Personnally, I admire you, since your way of doing it is a way of proving that giving away gifts along with all the support makes you really good persons.

If you ever want to make friends with me, I'm always open. Just send me a message on this forum. I'll answer if i see it.

with kind and higly polite regards,



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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Re: Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 28 Oct 2012, 09:51

Hello and welcome,

Sounds like you have a full life.
Of course horseback riding is a sport. I've done that myself for over 10 years. Never owned a horse though. I haven't even seen a horse up close for 12 years Sad

I won't have to tell you to feel free to open a topic if you run into problems, or leave a reply if you think you can help solve a problem.
Have fun! Very Happy
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Re: Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

Post by Admin Sun 28 Oct 2012, 12:59

Hello there,

Haha, about time you introduced yourself.
Remember that you're always welcome on the Games4theworld Forum!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Re: Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

Post by Guest Sun 28 Oct 2012, 17:15

Thank you guys!

You're the best support I could have for the downloads you're giving. I heard that there are users from The Pirate Bay, who don't even offer support for their downloaders. I find it's quite a shame. They'll never get as popular as you!

Continue your expert work! Not a single one should miss your team work! You're the reason we can save money and have fun without any trouble!

With highly kind and polite regards,



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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Re: Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Mon 29 Oct 2012, 10:33

Thank you for your kind words, it's nice to know our work is appreciated! Very Happy
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
First Lady / Commander-In-Chief
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix First Lady / Commander-In-Chief

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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Re: Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

Post by Guest Mon 29 Oct 2012, 22:47

You're welcome anytime you want!



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Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou? Empty Re: Hi there! May I give you the honour of introducing myself to thou?

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