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How do I get abducted?

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How do I get abducted? Empty How do I get abducted?

Post by Guest Tue 20 Nov 2012, 07:43

I read that I needed space rocks, which I have a lot of, and full logic, and use the telescope, but now when I want to be abducted to try something out, it won't happen! Sad


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How do I get abducted? Empty Re: How do I get abducted?

Post by Guest Tue 20 Nov 2012, 16:23

Think I read that you can only be abducted between midnight and 3 am so have to be out using the telescope then.


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How do I get abducted? Empty Re: How do I get abducted?

Post by Admin Wed 21 Nov 2012, 17:47


Sounds logical to me.
Please let us know the result, good luck!
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How do I get abducted? Empty Re: How do I get abducted?

Post by Guest Fri 23 Nov 2012, 15:52

If you Tried with Supernatural Sim it Wont Work, It must be Human and No custom skintones


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How do I get abducted? Empty Re: How do I get abducted?

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