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Please help me.

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Please help me.  Empty Please help me.

Post by Guest Sat 22 Dec 2012, 23:28


I have been torrenting the Sims 3. I have been working on this all night. The reason I have been working on
this all night is not because the installation directions are too complicated, I am
actually starting to grasp a hold of that stuff. It is because there has been no seeders for any
of my expansion packs. I am currently on ambitions and it has been stuck
at 27% for 16 hours now. I would wait 5 hours for one to download,
quickly install it and than wait another 5 hours for another one to
download. Please help me. Please seed your games. Usually, I don't freak about this stuff, but I have been trying to install this game for 2 days now and I just want it to be over with. PLEASE HELP!



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Please help me.  Empty Re: Please help me.

Post by Guest Sun 23 Dec 2012, 04:00

You should post this into the Re-seed Request Sections Razz


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Please help me.  Empty Re: Please help me.

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 23 Dec 2012, 08:08


I moved it to "Sims 3 downloads support" though, because there has got to be something going on other than "no seeds". Here's a screen I took 5 minutes ago of our account on TPB:

Please help me.  Tpb10

As you can see, the Sims 3 torrents have well enough seeds. So the problem is at your end. And the first thing to look at is, if your ports are forwarded properly. Are you using utorrent?
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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