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Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

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game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] Empty Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 21 Jan 2013, 11:59

Hi there. I'm having a small problem installing Sims 3. I downloaded all your expansions (except the Katy Perry crap) and started installing them using the guide. The guide stated that you can ignore the #Crack folder and so I did. I installed the game and the expansions one after another - no cracking or updating. After i installed all this I used the Manual Patch and cracked the game with the Ultimate fix #Crack - of course I placed the crack in the appropriate folder as stated in the guide. Everything went just fine until I wanted to launch the game. Launching T3.exe or T3W.exe resulted in nothing - not even a process in the task manager was running. When I used the Launcher I noticed that Diesel Stuff, Seasons and Supernatural are grayed out even though I installed them. So here is my question - do I still need to update the expansions as I'm installing the game? I mean as stated in the Instructions text file that comes with the torrents or do I just need the Manual Patch? What else could I have overlooked during the installation?


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game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 21 Jan 2013, 15:06

First, make sure you apply all the fixes before the cracks, then apply the #crack.
The supernatural/seasons/other expansions crack must be put in 1 place, the main folder and it must be put AFTER the fixes.
Always start the game with the Sims 3 Base Game launcher.
I recommend to always start with the launcher and never the TS3/TS3W.

Note that a Deluxe Edition by R.G Catalyst and any Skidrow version will not work with the crack (Tested).

Try a reinstalliation, install it all over again and only at the last apply the crack.
Make sure you do the 5 seperate patches as required and not to update before it, after the expansion with the 5 seperate patches from a #Crack folder and doing both expansions that require you to change your registry SKU you may apply the manual patch and then place the cracks from the ultimate fix, also redownload the fix to get the latest crack.


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game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Tue 22 Jan 2013, 19:03


Sorry for the late reply!
That's most likely an outdated crack.
Please re-do step 3 and 4: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly
So re-download the Ultimate Fix.

Good luck and please let us know the result!
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game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 22 Jan 2013, 20:43

Thanks for the replies, but I guess the problem was that I didn't update the game during installation -I updated only after all the expansions were installed. I got it working now however I improvised a bit.

First I installed basic Sims 3 and updated them with the manual patch to 1.47xxxxxx.

Then I started installing the expansions, in order of release, and after each expansion I updated the game via the launcher.

After I installed the last expansion (seasons) I applied the crack from the ultimate fix and then successfully launched the game. Now it works like a charm.

Thank you guys and gals, even though I had some problems figuring how to install the game, this if by far the best release of The Sims out there. Keep up the good job Wink


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game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Wed 23 Jan 2013, 20:39

Hello there,

Thank you for your trust and support in Games4theworld Downloads!
As for your way of installing, how can you update the game via the launcher after each expansion pack, if you already updated to the latest version prior to installing any expansions? Razz

Anyhow, enjoy the game and please let us know if you need more assistance! game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] 611149516
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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game launch - Game wont launch. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Game wont launch. [SOLVED]

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