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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game Empty my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

Post by Guest Mon 21 Jan 2013, 08:31

I'm trying to put a "beautiful vista" buff on my lot. I found a program called "little lotte lot editor". It's supposed to be able to edit saved games with a .sims3 extension. I tried looking at "my documents/electronic arts/the sims 3/saves, but all i found were folders like "sunlit tides.sims3" and "sunlit tides.sims3.backup". When I tried looking inside the folder, all i found was a .dat, a .data, an .nhd, and 2 .package files. I couldn't find a single .sims3 file inside. I tried using search *.sims3 on my entire hard drive, but i couldn't find one.

I tried to open the "sunlit tides.world" in installed worlds on the editor, but it says lot format is unsupported. I tried opening the sims3pack file of sunlit tides, but the editor still doesn't support the format.

I tried to edit sunlit tides using the CAW tool, but it won't accept "sunlit tides.world". I tried using the import function of the "s3pe" tool to copy sunlit tides to the blank file i created using CAW, but when I open the file and edit the lot on CAW, I get an error from CAW when I try to save the change.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Please help. I don't know why my game isn't generating any .sims3 file, or how to put the beautiful vista buff on a 64x64 empty lot on the sunlit tides map.

Edit: I forgot to add.
I'm using a laptop
OS: Windows 8
CPU: i3
Video Card: built-in (Intel)
Installed: Sims 3 base game
all expansion packs
all stuff packs
store updates 1 to 44
1.47 patch
ultimate fix
store fixes
*all installed software are from games4theworld
Mods: cmomoney_DeletableMailboxMod.package

Last edited by ArisVAng on Mon 21 Jan 2013, 08:44; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to add game info)


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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game Empty Re: my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Mon 21 Jan 2013, 17:45


The sunlit tides.sims3 is your save game. There's no file with a .sims3 extension inside. If you're supposed to load something with a .sims3 extension, that folder is it.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game Empty Re: my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

Post by Guest Mon 21 Jan 2013, 22:35

the lotte editor treats the .sims3 folder as a folder and not as a file. Shocked

is there some way to edit the lot of my current game to have the beautiful vista moodlet?


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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game Empty Re: my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Tue 22 Jan 2013, 12:26


Not that I know of, you could try modthesims, there may be something there. Nothing in the user guide?
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
First Lady / Commander-In-Chief
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix First Lady / Commander-In-Chief

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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game Empty Re: my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

Post by Guest Tue 22 Jan 2013, 17:26

The comments in the program you're using (Little LOTte) explains that the tool doesn't work anymore. TigerM is an awesome guy - many of his posts are where I've found a lot of information about messing with the save games, however he isn't very specific on where he found the byte to change to set the BV moodlet for a specific address. Unfortunately, unless TigerM updates his tool or gives more info on the 0x30 and 0x40 bytes that he was messing with, it probably won't be doable anytime soon. I'd mess with it, but I'm a bit too busy anymore and I don't know if the 0x30/0x40 still applies since his tool was last updated with World Adventures.


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my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game Empty Re: my game doesn't generate a .sim3 file for its saved game

Post by Guest Wed 23 Jan 2013, 11:59

ummm, I think I might have a solution to my dilemma but I just want to make sure if everything will go right. The general idea would be to evict my sim from the house and put a prebuilt lot with a beautiful vista buff already installed. So, here are my questions;

1. If I were to evict and reassign my sim from the house, will my sim be able to keep all acquired skill levels and skill challenges acquired, or will I loose something from this. (getting the paparazzi challenge from photography and collections would be extremely painful to reacquire)

2. If I were to evict and reassign my sim from the house, will my sim be able to keep all items in its inventory and family inventory along with the upgrades (I would hate to have to put improved speakers on 50 wall speakers all over again)

3. Is there some way to edit sunlit tides in CAW? (I've tried opening the .sims3pack from games4theworld store download, and the .world found on "installed worlds folder" under the "my document" folder, but CAW won't accept the file saying it's an unsupported format or something.)

4. I've noticed that by putting a pre-made park (verde park) on an empty lot that didn't have any beautiful vista buff on it, the lot gained the beautiful vista moodlet. So if question 3 won't work, I'm thinking if anyone knows where i can find a pre-made 64x64 house that has the beautiful vista moodlet on it? I'm planning on saving that house, plant it on an empty lot, then use the sledge hammer tool to demolish everything on the lot and recreate my sim's house from scratch on it.
(I thought it was "beautiful vista", but instead it was "beautiful park". I didn't know that there was a difference. When I converted the park from community lot to residential, it lost the beautiful park moodlet.)

5. If there isn't any lot available, I'm thinking of creating a world made up of flat land and 1 lot with a beautiful vista moodlet, then i'll recreate the house on it from scratch, then save it, then plant it into the 64x64 lot on sunlit tides. (I'm not familiar with the CAW tool, but at the very least I might be able to pull this off.)
(I tried it with the house on twinbrook that was supposed to give +50 beautiful vista moodlet, sadly it didn't work)

May I know what are your thoughts on these questions?

Last edited by ArisVAng on Wed 23 Jan 2013, 12:29; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : scratching out some things)


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