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I am looking for a decent key logger.

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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Guest Mon 18 Feb 2013, 00:14

I was curious if you guys would be able get an install that is safe to use. I have a few friends who need to monitor their child's activities on the computer. It needs to be able to record every key stroke, as well as web sites that were visited. Let me know if you guys have any good ideas as to where I could find a program!

Thanks so much for your help!
You guys are great!!!


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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Admin Mon 18 Feb 2013, 18:40


Ah, I used to have a good one a few years ago. Completely lost it though.
I don't think a "keylogger" is what you need in your/your friends' situation.
There are special children's software for that. Have they tried those?
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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Guest Wed 20 Feb 2013, 01:06

My main reason was getting it for my friends children, but I also have my own plans for using it. If you can find anything at all I would trully appreciate, I've looked into a lot of programs but the prices are a little much. I would truly appreciate any help I can get, I just haven't had luck with looking online for downloads without viruses...

Thanks so much!


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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Admin Sat 23 Feb 2013, 21:44


Sorry for the late reply!
Did you have any specific software in mind?
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Guest Sun 24 Feb 2013, 00:36

I have heard that WebWatcher is one of the best, and if you could get that one it would be great.
Another one I had looked into was SpyAgent and I am big brother.
Those are the top three as far as I know.
Again thanks so much for your time and your help!!!


Basically I need a program that records all keystrokes, websites visited, screen shots, email. IMs, and programs ran.


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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Admin Sun 24 Feb 2013, 11:45


Thank you, I've added those three to the request list.
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

Post by Guest Mon 25 Feb 2013, 11:46

Thank you so much!
You guys do a great job, and I truly appreciate your help!!!


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I am looking for a decent key logger.  Empty Re: I am looking for a decent key logger.

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