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Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED]

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Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED] Empty Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 31 Jan 2020, 16:47

Hi! First of all, wanted to say I totally agree with using linkvertise in order to support the awesome work you all do! I've looked around the forum to see if this has already been addressed but I haven't seen anything that does if I am wrong though please let me know! I'm currently not using a VPN, but I do have AdBlock installed. 
I have all SIms 4 packs and content downloaded up until Discover University. So when I tried to download it earlier today using the Linkvertise link, I got to point where I had to wait for 15s to downloaded, waited, and then clicked on to download the file. It takes me to the loading screen where it spins the little icon ENDlessly(like hours, no end in sight)! I have tried other files(Realm of MAgic, Moschino stuff, etc.) and every time I get the same thing. I have paused Adblock so I can access the site to download, but it still doesn't work for me. Does anyone have any suggestions or what might be causing this issue? My wifi is not a problem, it is always good. 
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


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Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 31 Jan 2020, 18:27

I got to download them today without a problem. Due to a stupid mistake I accidentally removed one of the torrents from the waiting lists (Discover University). I wanted to download it again, so my game is complete, but I now see the same thing as the OP. Endless loading icon after getting through the advertising and 15 sec wait...


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Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 31 Jan 2020, 21:07

Could have something to do with the internet settings, or with something on the ISP's end. I use (Proton)VPN, and still can get through. Either way, the same as what I suggested in the other post here:

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Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 01 Feb 2020, 10:39

Well, I thought, maybe lets try it again this morning and 'tadaaa', it let me through again. Got all I need now. Thanks for the quick reply though!

Gatekeeper Edit: solved and closed.

- The_gh0stm4n


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Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Problem with Linkvertise-Not using a VPN. [SOLVED]

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