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Confirmation code

W1NKINGL1ZARD wrote:In the download i used, there were 3 codes to put in. It downloaded but now when i try and run the game, it asks for me to re enter it. I tried all 3 codes and none of them worked.. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Oh my...

Sorry for the very late reply W1NKINGL1ZARD,

Read up on that guide. In order for the game (from G4TW) to work, you must at first install the base game (step #1 in the guide) and then use the manual patch to patch it to the latest version (step #2). And then you also need to install at least ONE expansion or stuffpack (step #3). That's also important.

Finally, you need to download and apply the Ultimate fix (step #4). And that should do. Good luck !
by The_gh0stm4n
on Sat 24 Jan 2015, 14:19
Search in: The Sims 3 Support Section
Topic: Confirmation code
Replies: 1
Views: 936

Christmas 2014 giveaway contest: "The Sims 4 Limited Edition". [CLOSED]

*** Please note that the contest is over now ! ***

Hello you,

Yes, YOU ! And by that I mean you, the average "visitor" of Games4TheWorld, who doesn't have a special rank and/or fancy username color. The following is meant only for "normal" users on this forum.

As an event for Christmas 2014 on the forum, I am giving away 3 legit Origin serial numbers for "The Sims 4 Limited Edition". Yes, you heard correctly. But please note that this "Limited Edition" does not have all the DLC that are included in G4TW's pirated version. For more details, see this here:

Well, as you might have already imagined, you also need to do something to get those serial numbers. Very Happy  But first things first - the general rules of this contest are:


1.) You MUST have a forum account to participate in this and any future contest(s). If you don't have an account (yet), feel free to register here. If you don't want to register - for whatever reason - you are NOT eligible for participating. Sorry.

2.) As mentioned, users with a "special rank" are NOT eligible for participating and obtaining the prizes. This includes Administrators, Moderators, The Sims Helpers, Helpers, VIPs, Developers, and also extends to any users with honorary rank titles, such as "Entertainers", "Masters of Arts", etc. This giveaway is only for users with no special rank - the "average Joe" if you want.

3.) Please contact the Admin via e-mail, to submit your replies. Use ONLY THIS LINK HERE and nothing else:

All other "modes of communication" (private messaging, Facebook, Twitter,...) do NOT count. I repeat, you MUST use this e-mail link I just posted to forward your replies, and nothing else. 

4.) In order to obtain the prize, ALL tasks (see below for "task descriptions") must be solved correctly. Not one single mistake should be made. If you don't have (all) correct answers, don't submit a reply, because your reply will not count. Wink

5.) Since there are 3 serial keys to give away, ONLY the first 3 e-mails that have 100% correct replies, and reach the inbox of the Admin, are the winners. Any other e-mail sent after that is null and void. This means for YOU: the faster you get the tasks done and the sooner you send your reply to the Admin via e-mail, the greater your chances of being among the first three will be. Very Happy

6.) Every user is eligible for obtaining ONE serial number only. Cheaters will be disqualified.

7.) I strongly advise you to keep in mind the "deadline bar" called COUNTDOWN, at the end of the post. The (theoretically) last possibility to send in a reply is the 24th of December 2014, 23:59:59 Central European Time Zone (GMT + 1). Any reply sent after that is null and void. In order to give you another help to "see" how much time you still have, check out the calendar here. The last day of the giveaway (24th of December, Central European Time) is clearly marked there. And I will also put up another "world clock", for you to see what time it is in the Central European Time Zone right now.

8.) Although it is me who provides the serial codes, the actual grading and evaluating of the replies is done by both Administrators alongside the other Moderators, to ensure neutrality and objectivity. 


So these are the basic rules. Now let's move on to what you need to do in order to get the serials. Here comes the task descriptions. Very Happy

1.) "Retrieve the ghosts"

In this task, you must focus on the section "The Sims 3" on our forum. 

Topics tagged under 1 on Old ® Games4theworld Forum / Archive IsaCUpF

So what you see in this small picture. You must focus on ALL of these sub-forums that deal in one way or another with The Sims 3. Again, forget about the other parts of the forum, and only focus on The Sims 3. This does NOT include the Mac section !!! Again, this is ONLY the Windows (PC) section for The Sims 3.

Next, check all my posts that were written during June, July and August 2014, that are in this Sims 3 section. Again, ONLY my posts, and only from this specific time period.

In all these posts, I have hidden 12 pictures, like this one here:

Topics tagged under 1 on Old ® Games4theworld Forum / Archive Lpn47spyze8t

There are a total of 12 such pictures, in 12 different posts. One picture per post. And again, focus only on the timeframe I posted above, and only on my posts. IGNORE the posts from any other users. And you must find them all. Very Happy  To provide a correct link to a post (which you'll need to do in order to send a correct reply), please click here first and then copy the URL of the post that shows up in your browser URL mask. Example:

Topics tagged under 1 on Old ® Games4theworld Forum / Archive TtHU6kR

Click on a post title as shown in "1" and then you should get a URL of a post, with a specific number, see "2" in the screenshot. The whole URL shown as in "2" is the direct link to a post. 

And you must find ALL 12 posts that contain that picture, to solve the task. 

2.) "Judgement day"

Staying in the same section and the same time period, you will NOW need to find FOUR HIDDEN GIVEAWAY QUESTIONS, embedded in all my posts (again during June, July & August 2014, and only in the section "The Sims 3"). The giveaway questions are marked as such, and not only will you need to find all of them, but you will also need to answer ALL 4 questions correctly to solve the task.

Most of the questions are "open-ended", in the sense that there might be more than 1 correct answer. As long as your answer is correct though (whichever "way" you choose in approaching the questions), it will be counted.

The questions deal with general judgement concerning the forum - things like posting conventions and handling certain situations that may arise. At this point though, I don't want to go too much into detail about them, since it's up to you to find and reply to them. Very Happy

However, what I can tell you is that with these (mostly hypothetical) questions, you will certainly need some degree of creativity, argumentation skills and "out-of-the-box-thinking". Besides, you should also familiarize yourself with the general structure and "posting conventions" on the forum.

Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation  Some extra notes that might help you  Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

1)  Keep in mind this countdown here - it shows how much time you have for submitting a reply:

And this here is a world clock, showing the current time in the Central European Time Zone. You can hover (or click) into any other part of the world, on the map, to compare times. AGAIN, note that the 24th of December 2014, 23:59:59 Central European Time Zone (GMT +1) is the theoretically last chance to submit a reply.

2) I suggest - if you are really serious of tackling the tasks - that you look VERY CLOSELY at my posts (from that specific time period I mentioned). Very Happy 

3) As for the questions, if the need arises, I will think about providing hints to the solutions, in this thread. But if you need to refer to a specific question, just mention the NUMBER of the question only, and nothing about any details of the question. So only mention "question number #1, #2, #3 or #4", without any further details, and then I'll see about that. But don't expect too much "help" from me (or any other team member) - basically it's up to you to find the questions and reply to them correctly.

4) If you see a post with a picture like this:

Topics tagged under 1 on Old ® Games4theworld Forum / Archive GfRf41R

Then it means that a picture is not showing correctly. To ensure that you are not missing a post with a potential "ghost" picture (see above), I'd suggest you try refreshing the page with F5 on your keyboard, even several times. And if it doesn't work, bookmark the page, and try again LATER. But this shouldn't happen; as of now, all 12 ghost pictures are showing up correctly. You "only" need to find them all.

5) I also suggest you conduct your search systematically: instead of focusing on all TS3-subforums at once, you might want to go step-by-step, focussing on e.g. "The Sims 3 in-game support" at first. And when you're completely done with that, go on with the next sub-forum, and so on.

And that's it from me - I wish you all good luck, and I hope you'll have lots of "fun" with the tasks.   Twisted Evil  Laughing  Razz

P.S. should anything be unclear to you, regarding the rules or if you have general questions about this, feel free to post in this thread.


I REPEAT, ONLY  THE E-MAIL LINK I PROVIDED; AND NOTHING ELSE   Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation


Hello again,

Due to an unexpected technical issue with the 4 hidden question, they did not show up for "normal" users (only for me and other "special ranks").

I've corrected that now - the 4 hidden questions should show up now. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Topics tagged under 1 on Old ® Games4theworld Forum / Archive Icon_biggrin  

Please also note that EA hasn't even released a MAC-compatible version of Sims 4 yet. These serials I am giving away only work for Windows, sorry.

And: the 4 "hidden" questions are simply marked as "giveaway questions". You must look (very) closely at my posts (during that time period) to find them. Topics tagged under 1 on Old ® Games4theworld Forum / Archive Icon_wink  
by The_gh0stm4n
on Sat 06 Dec 2014, 14:38
Search in: The G.H.O.S.T. Chronicles
Topic: Christmas 2014 giveaway contest: "The Sims 4 Limited Edition". [CLOSED]
Replies: 58
Views: 10310

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