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problem to open trar in torrent - Sims

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problem to open trar in torrent - Sims Empty problem to open trar in torrent - Sims

Post by Guest Mon 11 Feb 2013, 17:31


I have downloaded the torent = SIMS base but have problems to open the file in Win Rar = I have the win rar in my PC. At first it opened, then I rebooted since I had to install the mounting software and now I cannot open it again. Thanks for help.


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problem to open trar in torrent - Sims Empty Re: problem to open trar in torrent - Sims

Post by Admin Tue 12 Feb 2013, 21:53


Extract the file as follows first, please:

Open the .rar file you downloaded using only WinRar, which can be downloaded from www.games4theworld.org . (If you use any other software than WinRar, like WinZip or 7-zip, the files will get messed up!)
When you've opened the file using WinRar, select áll the files in it and drag & drop them to a folder on your Desktop. When the extraction is done, close the .rar file and open the folder on your Desktop. Now, start by reading the included "# Installation Guide.txt" and you should be able to get the game to work yourself. Good luck!

Ps. If you don't know how to mount an image, please read our free Mounting Guide on www.games4theworld.org under "Downloads" > "Guides". Have fun!
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