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I really need help with installing the expansions

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I really need help with installing the expansions Empty I really need help with installing the expansions

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 02:55

So I tried to follow the Sims 3 installing guide as much as I could, but I can't figure out how to install the expansions. According to the guide you need an expansion such as the 70's, 80's, 90's etc. So I downloaded that, as well as the base game and the Sims 3 Late night. I installed the base game and got it to work, but can anyone please go through the steps on how to install both the 70's 80's and 90's and late night? I'm so confused right now.

Thank you


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I really need help with installing the expansions Empty Re: I really need help with installing the expansions

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 04:42


The expansion packs are not "needed" to play, you can install all expansions that you want or simply play only the base game!

Ok, for install the expansions:
First of all, if you already cracked the base game, you must have to download the original files you remplaced for the cracks.

Once you have the original files then update your game. Simply search on google for "The Sims 3 update 1.48".
There's gonna be like 4 types of this update, you're gonna need the "Super Patch".
When downloaded, just double click and it will run as a normal installation.

Next step is to run any of the expansions you want to install.
Go to the folder you extracted and search for the installer that should be named like "Sims3EP02Setup.exe". You're gonna need the serial code for each expansion, like you did with the base game.

When the installation finished, DON'T USE CRACKS YET! Just until you installed all the expansions you want you can finally crack ONLY THE BASE GAME.

I highly recommend you to save the original files into a separate folder.
You're gonna need them every time you would like to install a new expansion.


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I really need help with installing the expansions Empty Re: I really need help with installing the expansions

Post by Admin Sun 24 Feb 2013, 16:06


Sorry for the late reply!
Overall instructions can be found here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly

Instructions for the downloaded .rar files:
Please open the .rar file you downloaded using only WinRar, which can be downloaded from www.games4theworld.org . (If you use any other software than WinRar, like WinZip or 7-zip, the files will get messed up!)
When you've opened the file using WinRar, select áll the files in it and drag & drop them to a folder on your Desktop. When the extraction is done, close the .rar file and open the folder on your Desktop.
Now, start by reading the included "# Installation Guide.txt" and you should be able to get the game to work yourself. Good luck!
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I really need help with installing the expansions Empty Re: I really need help with installing the expansions

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