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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 14:40


I have read the instructions in installing The Sims 3 but I need to clarify something.

I have the retail version of the base game and Supernatural EP only and patched up to 1.42. My game runs well even with a lot of CC. However, I am seriously considering downloading Late Night and possibly Showtime (I'm starting to get to get bored with SN) from you guys. Here's what's bothering me though, is it okay to install previous expansions in my game that has a later expansion? Or do I have to start from scratch and work my way up? I really had a hard time installing my game when I first got it with all the errors and the patching (it took me 5 days). Plus the manual patch doesn't seem to work on me, I had to patch my game up via the launcher, which took a while. So I don't want to have to do a clean uninstall/reinstall again.

Basically, what I'm trying to know is that do I have to install EPs in order? Or can I jump around? Install LN with my game, patch the game up to 1.48 then apply the Ultimate Fix?
I don't want to mess this up this time so I hope you guys can help me out.

Thanks as always! Very Happy


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 17:10

Hi! Wink

The answer is a clear NO!
Is not necessary to install EP in order, you can install Supernatural and then Late Nigh with any single problem!

In fact, I don't think you would need to upgrade to Patch 1.48!
Because Supernatural is newer than Late Night and Showtime.
In case you wanna install an EP newer than SN, like Seasons, then you must have to upgrade.

Here's good news:
The only thing you have to do is to replace the cracks with the original files (in case you use cracks, in my case I just use mini-images), then install both expansion, and use the Supernatural crack again! You dont need to crack the older EPs once you have a newer one.

Hope this helped u Wink


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Tue 19 Feb 2013, 19:06

Actually, you don't have to do anything special with replacing cracks or anything. Go ahead and install all the expansions you want. Then, patch up to the most recent patch (or just to your latest expansion, if that's how you'd like to do it) and use the appropriate crack, be that from the fix, or from the expansion's download.

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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 20 Feb 2013, 17:45

Okay great! I'm gonna go download the torrent now. Oh and since there's a new patch 1.5 which apparently fixes and updates a lot of stuff, could I patch it up to that? Is the Ultimate fix updated for this latest patch?

Anyways, so let's say I install LN first, then Showtime, do I still have to crack LN or just Showtime? Will I still need to crack Supernatural too?

And one more thing, can a 2GB RAM handle all these EPs? Noob Sorry for too many questions. rabbit

Thanks again guys, you're always of great help. bounce Laughing


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Thu 21 Feb 2013, 01:50

Don't update to 1.5 yet, the fix is still being updated for it.

For installing expansions, just install all of the ones you want. Then use one crack, at the very end, from the fix.

2GB should be fine, but it's not going to be superb, and be able to be played with high graphics and large towns. You may have to choose between some of the expansions for others, for better performance.
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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Feb 2013, 15:58

Okay I'll wait to update to 1.5 then. LN is still downloading and may take a day or 2 depending on my internet connection.

Another thing, can I just not update my game after installing the EPs? Just keep my current version 1.42? Well, until the fix is updated to 1.5 at least.

I already downloaded the ultimate fix, which is up to 70's, 80's, 90's SP. So I think that should work fine.

And just to clarify, I'll just use one crack from the fix, from the # Crack folder right? I don't have to copy the files from the LN folder or the Showtime/SN/Seasons/etc to the respective Game/Bin as explained in the first steps of the Ultimate Fix?

Thanks! Very Happy


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Thu 21 Feb 2013, 16:47

You can stay at any patch level you want, unless you want to install a new expansion/stuff pack, or even some of the store content.

And that is correct. The Ultimate Fix's current version is for 1.48 though, so when it's updated, and you update, just make sure to redownload it.
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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Feb 2013, 17:34

Okay thanks so much! I'll just wait until the RAR files finish downloading.

Version 1.48 is fine but I seem to have run into another bump, I opened my game today and apparently the launcher says my game is up to date, though I don't remember updating it. I checked the info.plist file and it says my game version is still I've tried refreshing it but it stays the same until it crashes. What's wrong with it now? Could it be CC? I'm kind of panicking because I rely on the launcher to update my game. Manual patches don't seem to work for me. And I tried to download the mac version of the 1.48 patch from the thread posted by admin but it gives me an error 404, File not found. Sad

I just spoke to EA Tech Support and they already removed the 1.48 patch to make way for patch 1.5 but they're still testing it for Mac users so we have to wait until they fix the update.


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sun 24 Feb 2013, 16:30


Sorry for the late reply!
Are you on Mac OS? (If yes, then we'll have to move this topic to the "Mac" section)

Ah, interesting. So that's why there's no 1.50 Mac manual patch link available yet. It took them quite a while to "Test" though...
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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 25 Feb 2013, 12:28

Hi yes, I'm on a Mac... Sorry, I didn't mean to post in the wrong section. I was thinking downloads support.

Anyways, I'm still waiting on the update from EA. In the meantime, Late Night finally finished dowloading. I will install it a while. But just to confirm, I'll just go ahead and install it, then apply the crack ONLY from the #Crack folder from the ULTIMATE FIX? I don't have to use the cracks that came with LN or use the other folders from the Ultimate Fix (first few steps). And since I can't update yet I can go ahead and skip that one. And I'll go make a back up of the original uncracked files from my game bin before applying the crack, just in case.

Wish me luck! If anything goes wrong (though I really hope not), I'll go ahead and post a topic on the Mac section.
Thanks again guys! Very Happy


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Mon 25 Feb 2013, 21:47


Yes, you should only need the "# Crack" from the latest version of the Fix. More information here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t7248-how-to-install-sims-3-with-or-without-ep-s-on-mac-dmg-creating

I wish you the best of luck! (I moved your topic to the right section already)

Ps. Those "Uncracked"/original files are already included in all those folders that come with the Fix!
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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 26 Feb 2013, 12:52

Okay thanks for that. Smile I was wondering why the installer app wouldn't do anything till I read that I had to make a .dmg of the files first. I'm currently doing that now so I'll wait until it finishes.

One more thing, do I still have to crack my game since I have the game disc for Supernatural? I've just read from a few sites that the launcher will ask for the latest released game disc, and not the latest install.
So if that's the case, ( Supernatural being the recent release, and Late Night being the recent install ) if my game asks for the SN disc, then I don't really have to crack my game anymore, right? Question

Thank you for your patience and assistance. Very Happy flower


Hi! I just wanted to let you guys know that I installed Late Night successfully. Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] 294340757 bounce cheers

I just followed the guide in making a .dmg file and using only
Stuffit Expander and it installed without a hitch. I didn't have to
crack it as I have the SN disc anyway. It gave me a "Disc Authorization
failure" twice but it worked on the 3rd try. So once again, thank you
for all your efforts and support! I am one happy simmer again. Wink


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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 28 Feb 2013, 14:24

Hello there,

You're welcome! Glad to hear it's all working now and you're a happy simmer once again.
Thank you, Invalidusername!

Enjoy the game and do not hesitate to contact us again if you need more help! Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] 611149516
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Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Need help in the order of installing Expansions. [SOLVED]

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