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My Sim can't married

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My Sim can't married Empty My Sim can't married

Post by Guest Mon 18 Feb 2013, 16:35

i has creative 2 sim, and get they relationship to full romantic but i dunno why they can't not found love each other, they can't get more than 'romance intense". a thought they can woohoo, and try for babe, but i still can't find proposal in romantic menu. Can some one help me, i really want my sim get married.


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My Sim can't married Empty Re: My Sim can't married

Post by Guest Mon 18 Feb 2013, 17:20

Hello =^^=

So these two sims, You created both of them or is one a townie?

Also, are either sim living in a house that is already at Max capacity? Sometimes that causes the option to marry to not pop up.

And if you did make them and they're the only ones living in the house, then there has been a proposed glitch that has been happening to people.

One way of dealing with it is by trying the following:

bring up the cheat window (control/shift/C)

and type in resetsim Firstname Lastname.

If that doesn't work, You can try and reset the entire lot by going into edit town mode and using the hand tool, click on the house and place it back in the same spot.


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My Sim can't married Empty Re: My Sim can't married

Post by Guest Tue 12 Mar 2013, 23:48

Hello, I've been searching the internet and there are many people with the same problem, it seems that one of the last patches gives this problem, and have not yet settled, I do not know what to do, I created my sims, they live in the same house, are compatible with two children and I could not even marry them, even using testingcheatsenbled, reseting them. Im GOING crazy!


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My Sim can't married Empty Re: My Sim can't married

Post by Admin Sat 16 Mar 2013, 20:58


Sorry for the late reply!
Unfortunately we were not able to get back to you in time. I'd like to apologize for that.

Do you still need assistance?
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