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Loving University!

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Loving University! Empty Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Mar 2013, 05:55

So I been playing around with the new smartphone in the sims and I gotta say, I absolutely love it! My teen's girlfriend was in the middle of streaming a video when she dropped her phone! Loving University! 2279017149 The phone is now cracked and has an option to repair it for 150 simoleans, I wasn't expecting it at all but it reminded me of the many times I've dropped, and dusted off my phone. Laughing

What have you found lately that you love, or hate, about the sims university?Loving University! Uol3x8P


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Mar 2013, 06:25

That's really funny! I'm still waiting for my teen Sim to age up so she can attend, but I've done a little texting/showing videos with the smart phone.
I can't wait to do some blogging, though! Smile


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Mar 2013, 06:31

I'm still waiting on my teens to age up as well, but that blogging is addictive! Some of your followers will even send you donations.


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Mar 2013, 08:27

if you have science and medical as major and your playing around with skelet mostly in the begnning your sim will be scared as suddenly the skelet turns and tries to grab you


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Mar 2013, 12:31

Wow I did not know Sims could drop their phone! How exciting, thank you for showing us that photo. I must say University rocks! The expansion feels complete and there is so many tiny details. I rate a expansion pack based on how much gameplay it adds and I say this one is very solid. It has been a long time in my opinion that a expansion pack has added gameplay that has refreshed Sims for me. So far I can not say I have found anything majorly disappointing. I love the new university town, it is gorgeous! It actually feels like a university. The new social groups are neat, the people in general dress according to their group. Lastly I think how the class system and the being able to choose how many credits one takes is WELL DONE! Sorry this post is all over the place, it is five in the morning! I do have a few complaints but not are major. I wish they would of included several different universities like how they included multiple travel destinations. The comic stores are rather simple wish there were more items like action figures etc for sale. The spray painting skill is rather simple. What a Sim spray paints can be rather repetitive and many of the end products do not look like a result one would get from a spray can. Last complaint is the class activities are rather silly in the fact it does not base it off the weather. Even if it is raining and you are a fine arts major you better get outside to sketch OR ELSE MWAHA! Evil art teachers, very hardcore learning I guess lol.

Last edited by ManWhoWearsAYellowDress on Fri 08 Mar 2013, 12:33; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Misspelling)


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Mar 2013, 17:43

I love when they watch a streaming video or cat video
so cute!


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sat 09 Mar 2013, 15:56

I'm like an excited puppy, finally I've got time to install it. Never been so excited for an expasion since this.


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sat 09 Mar 2013, 18:39

sims uni is the best , i'm lovin' the facts that we have dares
i love dares so much


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sat 09 Mar 2013, 21:13

that's not my favorite ep but i like it Smile
i use to love uni on S2 so i'm happy
they did big changes and it's totally quickier and i love the fact that old people can go to college hihi


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Tue 12 Mar 2013, 03:08

despite the plethora of glitches and bugs, i'm really loving this expansion. honestly, i think my favorite part is that it gives me a chance to focus on playing one member of my family at a time (at least that's how i do it). i've got a family of 8 (six kids, yikes) that i was thinking of making my new legacy family and i really like that i can send each kid to university and focus completely on playing that one sim for a couple of sim weeks. it's a nice change of pace from constantly cycling through 8 different sims to make sure their needs are being met. i thought this was going to be monotonous at first, but so far it hasn't been thanks to the variety in degrees and the different things you can do.

i do wish they had given the social group better names. that's probably been my biggest pet peeve so far, but that's probably just because i resent the fact that they are saying gamers are nerds. and the class activities are kind of ridiculous. and i'm still trying to figure out why they didn't just give the phys ed majors a soccer ball they could play around with for the class activity instead of the skeleton. it's kind of crappy that every other degree got an item for their class activity that builds a skill that counts towards progression on the academic bar but the phys ed majors lose progress on their bar if they use the skeleton outside of the class activity since it doesn't build the athletic or martial arts skill (at least that's how it worked for my sim). my only other complain is the fact that all of the roommates are idiots. they rarely shower, eat, sleep, etc and i'm constantly hearing them yelling and waving their arms around because they're hungry, tired, or stinky. and they rarely go to the bathroom, so they are constantly peeing on themselves and leaving a mess that they don't bother to clean up. and omg why do they have to turn on EVERY RADIO IN THE HOUSE. i've gotten to where the first thing i do when i move into my university residence is delete ever stereo in the house.


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Fri 15 Mar 2013, 19:29

My roommate is always hungry,always stinky and whenever I ask her to come with me to class,she says she's too busy with her own classes. She's like Mrs. Crumplebottom -_-


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Mon 18 Mar 2013, 01:15

Yesterday I figured out that the cell phone pictures are really...realistic. In one there was a thumb covering up the picture, and my other ones were shaky. XD


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sun 24 Mar 2013, 14:25

I'm loving UL too, the smart phone gives so much more game play, I'm loving blogging & breaking up with people via text message, cold, but so convenient!

I've been overhauling the dorms as soon as I move a sim in, just so they look better. My only gripe with UL is once you've moved in somewhere (whilst at Uni), you can't move out, i.e to a house, or a Sorority/Fraternity


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Thu 16 May 2013, 06:23

I just install the University life Expansion , is there any steps i should know to let it become more fun ?

Besides , is there any different enrolling in university with young adult and adult ?

And is there any benefits or what will happen when joining all the 3 social group ?


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Thu 16 May 2013, 16:42

zzshin wrote:I just install the University life Expansion , is there
any steps i should know to let it become more fun ?

Yes, buy the diploma and max out social group rank using LTR points, you'll save yourself a lot of boredom.

I hate it. Can't believe some people pay $40 for this garbage. University Life hardly has any content! Christ, even stuff packs are worth more money than this. Even Showtime and Generations have more stuff!

As for the gameplay, it follows the same routine every day: Go to class (rabbit holes), go to party (same old same old), go to bed (optional). That's it. That's literally all there is to it. Nothing new whatsoever.


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 16 May 2013, 21:51

TUN3R wrote:
As for the gameplay, it follows the same routine every day: Go to class (rabbit holes), go to party (same old same old), go to bed (optional). That's it. That's literally all there is to it. Nothing new whatsoever.

That sounds an awful lot like "life".
To be honest I haven't come as far as actually playing UL, since I was dealing with crashes well, when I finally figured it out I lost the will to play, maybe next week.
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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Thu 16 May 2013, 23:02

Lady ElDi wrote:
That sounds an awful lot like "life".
To be honest I haven't come as far as actually playing UL, since I was dealing with crashes well, when I finally figured it out I lost the will to play, maybe next week.

Exactly. This is a game, it's supposed to be interesting. UL gameplay is just a washed down version of the normal gameplay, more specifically:

-No careers
-No family
-No home construction
-No property
-No pets, unless you use Traveler

It doesn't offer anything instead. You don't even get a boost to your career pay like in Sims 2, you just start at higher level (four).


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by J.T. Sat 18 May 2013, 17:52

TUN3R wrote:
Lady ElDi wrote:
That sounds an awful lot like "life".
To be honest I haven't come as far as actually playing UL, since I was dealing with crashes well, when I finally figured it out I lost the will to play, maybe next week.

Exactly. This is a game, it's supposed to be interesting. UL gameplay is just a washed down version of the normal gameplay, more specifically:

-No careers
-No family
-No home construction
-No property
-No pets, unless you use Traveler

It doesn't offer anything instead. You don't even get a boost to your career pay like in Sims 2, you just start at higher level (four).

None of them are the problems of University Life.

Well, the problems of University Life is there is not enough time for you to do other stuff except fulfilling your sims' needs or going to stupid classes. Before you want to do something interesting, you've got no time to do it because your sims' grades are slipping. Your sims' routine would become:Sleeping->Breakfast->Lectures/Class activities->Going home->Dinners->Studying/Dealing with the Sudy Tools provided->Sleeping->Breakfast.... Like that! It offers social networking, which is my favourite. Nothing else except that. I start to think maybe the in-game developers are forced to hand in their work by deadline so that they made this trash. Still, I don't know why some people enjoy it. You would know what I mean if you check "Let's Play The Sims 3 University Life" by Quxxn. She sorta knows how not to be bored to death when playing The Sims 3 University Life. I wanna cope with her too, but I dunno why I can't lol.
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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sat 18 May 2013, 18:55

Anybody here please help ~ i just finish the 2 term in the university but i did'nt take the apptitude test at first which now the credit hours i earn now is 36/48 . What should i do to finish the degree ?


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sat 18 May 2013, 20:32

zzshin wrote:Anybody here please help ~ i just finish the 2 term in the university but i did'nt take the apptitude test at first which now the credit hours i earn now is 36/48 . What should i do to finish the degree ?

Buy the diploma LTR.


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

Post by Guest Sat 18 May 2013, 21:08

i think i just figure it out,thanks.


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Loving University! Empty Re: Loving University!

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