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Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.

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Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.  Empty Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.

Post by Guest Tue 09 Apr 2013, 06:08

I don't know how to get around error 12. I have tried saving as and even those other games won't let me save, even right after I have started them. I can play for a day or two (real life not sim days) and then nothing. I'm super sad about this since I spent a few days downloading and installing and troubleshooting all of the expansions and stuff packs just to get to an in-game issue I can't seem to figure out or find the answer to. I really wish there was just a fix I could download and install. Sad

Additionally, I have the seasons expansion and the 70s, 80s, etc EP and keep getting the "Error reading game files $INSTALLVOLUME/Support/Readme/es/Léeme.txt" error. I tried editing the file but can't because it is apparently locked and cannot be unlocked. I also tried just deleting the entire support folder, this did not help either. I'm at a loss. Thank you in advance for any help you might offer.


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Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.  Empty Re: Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.

Post by Phoebe Thu 02 May 2013, 18:31


Sorry for the late answer. Please check these links for Readme error and Error code 12. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.
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Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.  Empty Re: Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.

Post by Guest Sun 07 Jul 2013, 19:08

I think I've mostly figured out the error 12 issue (at least I don't get it as much as I used to) but I still can't install seasons or 70s/80s. Any insights into that? Thanks again!


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Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.  Empty Re: Error 12 and $INSTALLVOLUME error.

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