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Island Paradise: CAS Mermaids

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Island Paradise: CAS Mermaids Empty Island Paradise: CAS Mermaids

Post by Guest Tue 25 Jun 2013, 07:47

I installed Island Paradise, and while I haven't explored much of the expansion pack yet, I did notice that mermaids were not available in CAS. They are supposed to be a new life state in the EP and creatable in CAS. So I was wondering if there is currently a fix for this or if there will be one in the future? 

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Island Paradise: CAS Mermaids Empty Re: Island Paradise: CAS Mermaids

Post by Guest Tue 25 Jun 2013, 09:03

From experiencing Mermaids in the game. You cannot create them, You can buy the Mermaid Kelp from the lifetime rewards like i had to because i never got an option to ask for it from a Mermaid or never found any diving and i looked for days. You can also edit your scales from the mirror once you have them. Good luck. Smile


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