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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Jul 2011, 21:41

First things first. Hi all
Ok second: i looked up all posts i thought that could've been related to this, but i can't find any i think are handling this problem. and i did the riverview fix tht worked on some1, but its not working either.

ok here goes:
i downloaded the june store pack, (the store pack is installed, no probs with that) but i cant seem to get riverwood nor barnacle bay to work inside the sims Sad. i ran i thru the manager and it say 100% installed, no further packages need installed, but when i open the sims, i only get the 3 base cities (Sims, LN, ambitions, sorry forgot the names). do you need the EA downloader installed to really add them to your game? cuz it always asks to change to origin. I'll try and add a picture, just gonna figure how to do that first Razz.

Oh n btw THX fer the awesome piracy ye guys!!
Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Sims


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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 21 Jul 2011, 21:44


Did you try this: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1224-how-to-download-riverview-for-the-sims-3-fix-update-16-7-2011 ?

The maps can be found in-game. When you start the game, it'll ask you on which neighbourhood / map you want to play. You should be able to choose Barnacle Bay and / or Riverview from the drop-down menu, if you've installed them to the game correctly. The Riverview that comes with the June pack, doesn't work, but for Riverview, use the link I provided above.
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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Jul 2011, 22:19

Yes that was the fix i ment actually. i can't choose riverview nor barnacle bay on the drop menu. i tried several riverview's lately and none of them work. is EA downloader needed to install it? it's the only thing i think i didn't do... or do ye need to fix the cracks (with the fix files to install generations) before trying to install these cities? oh additional info, i just noticed the buildings don't load to my downloader either...


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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Fri 22 Jul 2011, 00:32

Diedalive wrote:Yes that was the fix i ment actually. i can't choose riverview nor barnacle bay on the drop menu. i tried several riverview's lately and none of them work. is EA downloader needed to install it? it's the only thing i think i didn't do... or do ye need to fix the cracks (with the fix files to install generations) before trying to install these cities? oh additional info, i just noticed the buildings don't load to my downloader either...

I don't think the EA Downloader is needed. Though, to be sure, please install it and then apply this Fix: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t752-the-sims-3-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems (Read instructions VERY carefully)
After that, try to reinstall the neighbours and see if it works.
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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 22 Jul 2011, 11:29

alright, its busy installing, not just saying all is installed. what occurs to me is that you need EA downloader ( not necessarily update to origin) to install these things (via the launcher). it says things are installed now even. gnna quick check ingame. now my last question: how do i get these last 2 buildings in my launcher?

ok the manager is deff needed to install the packs. i'm not tht sure, but for now (the time i needed to check if installed) the game works on only the basegame and generations cracked. i still have stuff and i'm still a vampuire on th ppl i play with

Thx for the help Very Happy


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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Fri 22 Jul 2011, 13:39

Diedalive wrote:alright, its busy installing, not just saying all is installed. what occurs to me is that you need EA downloader ( not necessarily update to origin) to install these things (via the launcher). it says things are installed now even. gnna quick check ingame. now my last question: how do i get these last 2 buildings in my launcher?

ok the manager is deff needed to install the packs. i'm not tht sure, but for now (the time i needed to check if installed) the game works on only the basegame and generations cracked. i still have stuff and i'm still a vampuire on th ppl i play with

Thx for the help Very Happy

Ah, something else to add to my knowledge databse, thank you. For now, have fun playing and please let us know if you have any more problems in the future!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Riverview and other store stuff 100% installed but not in game. [SOLVED]

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