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registration code required after game update?

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registration code required after game update? Empty registration code required after game update?

Post by Guest Sun 18 Aug 2013, 16:20

so i downloaded the sims 3 base game few days ago and then i found out that it was an old version so i downloaded the newest patch 1.55.4 and installed it and downloaded the crack for it and original files and moved them to bin folder but the game won't work now? it says that it needs registeration code. What should i do? I want to fix this so i could go on and get the island paradise expansion pack.
I read somewhere here about an ultimate fix so i downloaded it and extracted it and moved it to bin but the game is still asking for registration code.
Thanks in advance Smile


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registration code required after game update? Empty Re: registration code required after game update?

Post by Guest Mon 19 Aug 2013, 13:52


Can you give us a screenshot?


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