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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Empty Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

Post by Guest Sat 17 Aug 2013, 19:54


I have installed The Sims 3 + All the expansions (not stuff packs) up until University Life. I have applied the latest update fix and the ultimate fix. The game launches fine, but when I load a town. The green bar seems to stop forever with a tiny silver bit of loading left. I am not sure what to do. (I saw how great you guys have helped others and thought I could make account to share my problem as well).


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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Empty Re: Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 17 Aug 2013, 20:54

theneoarcadian wrote:Hello,

I have installed The Sims 3 + All the expansions (not stuff packs) up until University Life. I have applied the latest update fix and the ultimate fix. The game launches fine, but when I load a town. The green bar seems to stop forever with a tiny silver bit of loading left. I am not sure what to do. (I saw how great you guys have helped others and thought I could make account to share my problem as well).

At this point I'm not sure, unfortunately, if there are so many options for you. My standard explanation in such a case would be that the loading of a town can take a while to complete.

But do you have any mods installed ?
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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Empty Re: Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

Post by Guest Sat 17 Aug 2013, 21:04

I don't have any mods installed. And I have left the room for hours before coming back to the same loading screen.

Though, I have installed everything inside D:\The Sims 3. And in the folder, I have created a folder for each expansion and install them there. I wonder if this could be the problem?

Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) 2013-08-17_1203


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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Empty Re: Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 17 Aug 2013, 21:13

theneoarcadian wrote:
Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) 2013-08-17_1203
I am a little bit surprised that you can actually start your game. Shocked  But you are NOT supposed to make installation folders on your own; the installation program will do that automatically.

Try to get rid of everything: http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:TS3_Uninstall  Afterwards, re-boot the computer.

And, to be on the safe side, I actually recommend you make space on C: and re-install your stuff there. Again, do not make any program folders on your own - let the installer do that work.
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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Empty Re: Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

Post by Guest Sun 18 Aug 2013, 01:51


I have already reinstalled everything to C:. The game still has the same problem. I really don't know what's going on. The game worked fine back when Ambitions and Late Night were out. I just recently came back to the game with hopes of playing around with the new updates Sad.


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Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Empty Re: Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3)

Post by J.T. Sun 18 Aug 2013, 08:28

theneoarcadian wrote:Hello,

I have already reinstalled everything to C:. The game still has the same problem. I really don't know what's going on. The game worked fine back when Ambitions and Late Night were out. I just recently came back to the game with hopes of playing around with the new updates Sad.

Be sure to notice that before changing the installation path of The Sims 3 base game + expansions, the folder where you wanted to install them in must be a blank folder.After installing The Sims 3 base game, make sure the other expansions' folders are shown in this way. That way you won't mess up with any files:

Game won't finish loading (The Sims 3) Untitl14

Have you deleted the registry entries before reinstalling? If not, please follow carefully this: http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:TS3_Uninstall
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