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Have Legal base game and legal Generations, trrntd Seasons won't work?

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Have Legal base game and legal Generations, trrntd Seasons won't work? Empty Have Legal base game and legal Generations, trrntd Seasons won't work?

Post by Guest Wed 21 Aug 2013, 23:01

Hi all,

So recently I decided to try downloading G4TW Seasons xpac using your explicit instructions, but it is crashing! It is saying Sims has run into a problem and needs to close (As soon as I try launching it.)

I decided to do a clean reinstall of the base game through origin. Your instructions say that at least one of the xpacs (From the long list of them) are needed, so luckily I already have Generations. So I installed that as well. Now, I decided to download Seasons from G4TW - from here, I think I messed some things up. Firstly, do I extract all the files from the .rar into a folder whr the rest of my games are? (Which is my origin folder). Next, the instructions that came with it say to use the # Crack folder that came with it, so I moved those files as well. I also downloaded the Ultimate fix and placed those files into the base game... which I feel was not right, or at least out of order.

I guess I'm just confused with how to download new xpacs in general when I have a legal copy of the base game!

Thanks for attempting to understand my own confusion haha.
Help Noob :newfag:


Good news!

With much fiddling, I got it to work! 
Now my question is, if I want to add expansions in the future, should I just redo the patch + the ultimate fix???


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Have Legal base game and legal Generations, trrntd Seasons won't work? Empty Re: Have Legal base game and legal Generations, trrntd Seasons won't work?

Post by J.T. Thu 22 Aug 2013, 00:45


Yes you are right. You should apply the manual patch first and then install expansions and then apply the Ultimate Fix.
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