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Weird Problem

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Weird Problem  Empty Weird Problem

Post by Guest Sat 07 Sep 2013, 16:33

Hey, sometimes when I'm playing sims, the objects start glowing and it won't stop until I restart the game, it's becoming annoying because it happens more often... And the weird thing is that it happens suddenly by itself.

Here are some screenshots of the difference:


Weird Problem  Screen10


Weird Problem  Screen11

I would appreciate any help please.

Thank you


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Weird Problem  Empty Re: Weird Problem

Post by J.T. Sat 07 Sep 2013, 16:38

RDC4 wrote:Hey, sometimes when I'm playing sims, the objects start glowing and it won't stop until I restart the game, it's becoming annoying because it happens more often... And the weird thing is that it happens suddenly by itself.

Here are some screenshots of the difference:


Weird Problem  Screen10


Weird Problem  Screen11

I would appreciate any help please.

Thank you

If you have installed The Sims 3: Supernatural, a "full moon phase" plugin will be integrated into the base game. When it's full moon (you can know by watching the moon symbol on the right of your sim's portrait), furniture will start glowing. Don't worry, when the full moon's gone, the objects will be back to normal.
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