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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Guest Fri 27 Sep 2013, 17:56

I am running sims 3 with EP's : world adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Showtime and Seasons, as well as most of the stuff packs on an Imac: processor 2.7Ghz intel core I5 and Memory: 8GB 1600Mhz DDR3. Software OS X 10.8.4.
Everything installed beautifully when I followed your steps and had no problems playing...until the last couple of times i have attempted to play. First it started crashing whenever i tried to change my sims appearance or change the outfit, but now its crashing within five seconds of the game loading even if I try to save or even try to change the options to lower resolutions etc. The game will not even allow me to exit so I can force quit.It loads perfectly fine and doesn't seem to take longer to load than it should considering all the expansions I have installed.
I have tried re applying patched and the ultimate Fix and my game is updated to version 1.57. I do have one custom house installed, but cannot see how this would be causing the problems. I have trawled through the forums and followed instructions that I have thought are similiar to problems I have been having.
Am I maybe trying to run too many expansions at once? Its getting really rather infuriating as it has taken me forever to figure out how to get the damn things onto my mac in the first place!!! lol! 

Please Help me!!!


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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Dieneryn Sat 28 Sep 2013, 05:08


Welcome to the forum!

As you read through the other posts, did you try any of these? Smile do let me know if you have tried them all so that we can eliminate Memory problems Smile

- Lowering your game resolution.
- Use the "Save As" option instead of "Save" to generate new "healthy" files.
- Keep your Sim's inventory as empty as possible.
- Using a mod to keep Sims' memories as little as possible.

You can also take a look at this link that Phoebe has posted before. It has many suggestions on how you can reduce memory usage which are quite often the causes of crashes.

Do let us know if it works! Smile

Last edited by dieneryn on Wed 09 Oct 2013, 02:46; edited 1 time in total
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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Guest Sun 06 Oct 2013, 10:59

After trying all the above and managing to get some gameplay, I have just began a new game and it crashed in the CAS...... *sigh* Shocked so it is just randomly crashing whenever it feels like it!!, Anyone have any other ideas on what it could be??
Thanks for your help!x


Is it maybe the fact I am trying to run too many expansions? Maybe uninstalling the stuff packs will help?x


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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Dieneryn Mon 07 Oct 2013, 17:02


Sorry to hear that you are still facing problems.  I recently faced the same problem. My game was laggy and would crash once in a while. 

What I then did was to defragment my Mac. Yes, macs actually do need to be defragmented. Especially after an installation.  After that, my game was definitely ALOT smoother somehow and has not crashed so far.

I'm not sure if it will work the same for you,  but it is definitely worth a shot to clean up your files anyway.

Otherwise, you can try removing stuff packs or expansions that you don't really use.

If all of that still fails, I recommend doing a full and clean uninstall.  Then, reinstall the game. It solves a lot of problems usually.

Do update us on your progress! Smile
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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Guest Sun 27 Oct 2013, 15:07

So I was happily playing away earlier, having found that clearing the caches before every game, and "saving as" after every game; as well as playing in windowed mode has allowed me a much smoother game. Upon deciding that I was going to  update this post and boast of my new found joy to the whole world.....(No shit, Sherlock.) the bloody thing crashed ..... woo fricking hoo Facepalm . I have noticed however that it is ALWAYS when i'm in CAS, which is a bit of a pain as the stylist profession uses alot of CAS.
How do I go about uninstalling the stuff packs? Just figure I really don't need them seeing as you can customise pretty much everything anyways,
Much thanks in advance x


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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Dieneryn Mon 28 Oct 2013, 06:26

Hi there.

You can try the following:

- Navigate to: Documents folder. You should see a folder named "Electronic Arts". Try renaming it to something like "TS3 back up".

- Now launch Sims 3 again. After it is launched, quit the game. Return to your Douments and there should be a new "Electronic Arts" folder.

- Copy your saved game from the "TS3 back up" to the new "Electronic Arts" folder.

Try that out and see if it gets better. Smile
Reason being the old files might have some "bad" files. So doing that will generate new files.

Do let us know if it works! Smile
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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Guest Sat 02 Nov 2013, 11:42

I have got rid of some of the stuff packs, and once i did that a new game update popped up! version 1.63, what's the deal with this? should I update my game? the description says it has more stability on on macs
thanks x


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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Dieneryn Sat 02 Nov 2013, 11:48

That is the latest patch that came along with the introduction of "Into the Future". Wink

You are free to update, or leave it as it is if you do not intend to play Into the Future. 

Should you decide to update, please make sure that you download the latest Ultimate Fix that is compatible with the 1.63 patch and apply it as the final step. Smile Also, If you have many mods/cc, you will have to redownload them and check that they are compatible with the new 1.63 patch.

How is your game running now?
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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Guest Sat 02 Nov 2013, 12:14

oh thanks for reminding me! now i have updated the game an reapplied the ultimate fix, it is now coming up with the insert disc error =/ After all this i really hope it improves the gameplay! lol x


fixed it!, well let you know if it has stopped crashing!x


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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Dieneryn Sat 02 Nov 2013, 12:22

That's great! Do let us know Smile
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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Guest Sat 02 Nov 2013, 14:45

been playing for around 2 hours now continuously and I have not experienced any crashing or glitches! game is running so smoothly with no lags! All is well...for now! Very Happy


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Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!  Empty Re: Sims 3 on Imac constantly crashing!

Post by Dieneryn Sun 03 Nov 2013, 11:57

That is great news! Very Happy

Is there anything else we can help you with? Wink
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