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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED] Empty [Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 13 Mar 2012, 20:28

So I have a bit of a dilemma.

Every time I go to do anything related to Showtime, all sims reset. For example:

When I go to use the Pool Table. My sims will set up the rack, and then reach under for the pool cue, but when they move to the side to get ready to play, they reset. Meaning, they teleport off to the side and just stand there. I've tried this with all pool tables and it is the same outcome each time.

Performances. So Simfest started in the park. I go to visit it with my household and there is a bunch of people there. A person begins to walk onto the stage, and as soon as they reach the center and begin to perform, every sim in the area resets. They all do a quick jump out of watching the performance and stand around doing nothing. And the performer teleports to the side of the stage and then walks away.

Golfing. I figured let's try out this new item. So went over to the square for golfing and clicked on it. My sim walked up to it, and then just stood there. The action to play Golf dissapeared and they just stood there next to it, not interacting with it at all.

These are a few examples of my issues at the moment. They all revolve around Showtime and the new stuff that came with it. Every time I try to do anything related to Showtime, my sims keep resetting. Can anyone shed some light on this please? It really makes this expansion pointless if I can't even interact with the new content. Thanks ahead of time for any insight anyone can provide.


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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED] Empty Re: [Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

Post by Admin Tue 13 Mar 2012, 22:07


Thank you for your post!
Let's see, do you have any mods and/or Custom Content?
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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED] Empty Re: [Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 13 Mar 2012, 22:50

I do have mods/custom content.

I have all store items up to date, and have few custom content, and have checked for updates to it all and retrieved the updated versions of most of my mods.

Some of my mods I got way back in the day, but they have always worked just fine with every new expansion I have installed. I've never had any issues with my custom content until this expansion, and it is only issues with Showtime only content. Meaning, I only get these resets when I am doing Showtime only stuff. Otherwise everything has and is working just fine.

Could this be related to pose/animation issues? Or if skill building happens during these new things, could it be related to an outdated faster skill mod?

Solved the issue. It was caused by my faster skill leveling mod. The one I had was for Pets, and had forgotten that if it is not updated it can cause some skill building interactions to reset. Just removed it and voila, everything is working now. Thanks. Smile


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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED] Empty Re: [Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 14 Mar 2012, 00:30

Good to hear you solved the issue

Let us know if you have anymore questions.....


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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED] Empty Re: [Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 14 Mar 2012, 08:15

Don’t hesitate to post if you have questions or problems again!
Happy simming The Sims Plumbob 1 topic closed.

☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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[Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED] Empty Re: [Showtime] Sims constantly resetting.[SOLVED]

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