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Sims disappear and problem with Interactions

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Sims disappear and problem with Interactions Empty Sims disappear and problem with Interactions

Post by Guest Thu 14 Nov 2013, 01:00

So here's the thing: I never had any problem with my sims 3 and I always download from G4TW but when I tried to instal the "Into the future" I got several problems like "insert disc", "Invalid File" when I was trying to update and "unofficial game modification" but all were gone after I added the manual patch and ultimate fix. 
Now I'm having a new problem.. I was playing with a family before the last exp. and when I'm taking them to the future after awhile all the sims and bots disappear.. The objects are moving normaly aka the tv opens when the invisible sim is watching tv, or the chair is moving when the sim is sitting Shocked  When I take them to the present they appear again, but If I take them to a community lot or store (in future) they appear and after awhile same issue.. 
And above all, two of my sims cant have any interactions with each other.. 
I tried to make a new family to see If the problem is still here but everything looks ok.

Any solution pretty please? Embarassed


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Sims disappear and problem with Interactions Empty Re: Sims disappear and problem with Interactions

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 14 Nov 2013, 01:10


Are you running your game with any mods or custom content?  It sounds like you may have a problem with your downloads (mods&CC).  You'll find a lot of glitches happen if you're running your game with outdated mods, etc.

Try running your game without your custom content to see if that fixes it. Smile

If not, you may try redownloading The Ultimate Fix an ensuring it is up to date (you can do this by opening the .pdf file inside the Fix.rar and and checking to make sure the date in the .pdf is 31-10-2013).
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Sims disappear and problem with Interactions Empty Re: Sims disappear and problem with Interactions

Post by Guest Thu 14 Nov 2013, 01:21

Thank you for the fast reply! No I dont have any mods or cc (never had) and the .pdf from the ultimate fix I applied says its updated on 31-10-2013.. Should I re-download it eitherway or wait in case a newer update is released?


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Sims disappear and problem with Interactions Empty Re: Sims disappear and problem with Interactions

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 14 Nov 2013, 01:25

SileAth wrote:Thank you for the fast reply! No I dont have any mods or cc (never had) and the .pdf from the ultimate fix I applied says its updated on 31-10-2013.. Should I re-download it eitherway or wait in case a newer update is released?
Okay, no you don't need to re-download.  Since you have the up to date version, an outdated Fix "issue" doesn't seem to really be the issue. Razz  You said that this only happens with a specific family?  Have you extensively tested out other families, or just one (that is different from your main family that is having issues)? 

All of this aside, I'd strongly urge you to follow these few steps!  This may help out your game preformance and "unstick" and "debug" a few sims/families!

5. Go to: /My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Screenshots.
If there is nothing in this folder, great.  If there is, the photos in here can be from 100kb upwards to 2-6mb each.  If you aren't using them, delete them!  If you're a storyteller, get them outta' there!  All they do is bog down your game.

6. Go to: /My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods.
Delete ANY mods or Custom Content you DO NOT use or need!  We can all be .package hoarders but remember that every file has a file-size and the more unnecessary files you have, the less acceptable your game performance will be.  My main suggestion with any mods OR custom content is to ORGANIZE them by CATEGORY!  Example: One folder is for 'hair' the other is for 'game mods', so on and so forth.Organize your hoards.  You will thank me later.
7. Go to: /My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/DCBackup.
Delete everything in here EXCEPT the ccmerged.package!  These files are basically backup files of all your Custom Content.  These files are not necessary for a fully functional game, thus slowing it down.  Depending on your downloading habits, you may or may not have a lot of files here.  Some people have over 1000+ files in this folder;  I had 715 files and I'd only been playing my game for FOUR DAYS.
NoteThe ccmerged.package is NOT a cache file.  This file is required for the game to run and read premium content as it is the EA's hub for XML data. It wouldn't blow up your game if you accidentally deleted it - you may just mess up your save data/s and/or make your installations unstable. 
Okay yes, deleting this file sort of does blow your game up.  Don't do it if you can help it.
8. Go to: /My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/FeaturedItems.
Congratulations!  You've found the most annoying files contained within the most annoying folder!  Delete everything in this folder.  EA places pictures of every Featured Item here and it is completely unnecessary for you to have!  I recommend you delete everything in this folder.  If you’d prefer not to check this folder every other day, you can actually make this folder totally inaccessible to EA (in other words, they won't be able to place anymore junk in this folder!)
Right-click on the FeaturedItems folder.  Choose Properties.  Go to the 'Security' tab. Click 'edit' - you might be prompted with administrator approval.  Click on the account YOU play The Sims 3 on.  Look lower for 'Write' and click on the first check box under 'Deny'.  All boxes should check themselves, then click 'Apply'.  Poof, no more invasive file dumping!

9. Install these two mods:  Overwatch  and  MasterController.
Link 1: http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Overwatch
Link 2: http://nraas.wikispaces.com/MasterController
The easiest way to use the Master Controller is to load up a family (perhaps even a family/save game that is acting slow or laggy), zooming out to 'Town View' and find your Town Hall.
Click on it and select the option 'NRass' then 'Master Controller'.  A whole menu should pop up for you.  At that point, click 'Town' and then 'Reset Everything'.  Let the mod and the game do its thing, as this may take a minute.  I suggest doing this every 12 hours (basically every day you play the game).  You can do this even after making a new family or save file!
Discharged with Honors
G4TW RETIRED Helper / VIP Discharged with Honors

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Favourite games : The Sims™, Final Fantasy, F.E.A.R, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Minecraft, DayZ, Infestation: Survivor Stories, 7 Days To Die, Metal Gear Rising, The Walking Dead, Fable 3, Bioshock, Skyrim, Fallout, Spore.


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Sims disappear and problem with Interactions Empty Re: Sims disappear and problem with Interactions

Post by Guest Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:11

Yes this happens only with my main (pre-into the future) family. I've tested only one family beside my main one and all was ok!
So I checked the files you listed here, all was empty beside the DCBackup which had only the ccmerged.package (didnt touched it at all) and FeauturedItems which had over 2000 files (I deleted them all). I dont know If it's importand to mention, but my Sims3 are installed on another particion of my disc and not on C. I'll apply the mods, check few more families and I'll come back to you! Thank you once more!


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