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Island Paradise asking for disc

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Island Paradise asking for disc Empty Island Paradise asking for disc

Post by Guest Sun 17 Nov 2013, 08:19

So I downloaded Sims 3 base game through origin, then downloaded the games4theworld copy of Island Paradise. Added the crack to the origin games/the sims 3/game/bin folder. This was after I made a copy of it. So when I added the crack from the ultimate fix, I realized there was pop up asking to replace the other files of the same name. I checked the copy of my bin folder and it also did not have the files in it. Now the game won't start and tells me I need a disc.


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Island Paradise asking for disc Empty Re: Island Paradise asking for disc

Post by Sephymuffins Sun 17 Nov 2013, 08:54


I'm not sure I follow?  So you did or did not overwrite the files in your /game/bin folder with the files from the Ultimate Fix?  Because that is what is necessary, you need to overwrite the old files with the Fix's new files.

Happy Simming!  The Sims Plumbob 1
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Island Paradise asking for disc Empty Re: Island Paradise asking for disc

Post by Guest Sun 17 Nov 2013, 09:04

Okay kinda strange, but I restarted my computer and it's now working and not asking me for a disc. Thanks though!


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Island Paradise asking for disc Empty Re: Island Paradise asking for disc

Post by Guest Mon 18 Nov 2013, 09:38

Anything else we can help you with?


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Island Paradise asking for disc Empty Re: Island Paradise asking for disc

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