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Where can I find all the crack's

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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 03:52

I have the updates But I do not have the cracks, there must be a crack list


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 04:55

The cracks are provided with the games4theworld torrents, though the only one you need is the generations. Please click on the big red link at the top of the forum index and ready the installation instructions. Everything is explained there.


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:16

oh and I took a look at the simple installer and it does not do anything after it's finished downloading, just some update files apear in the updates folder.


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:17

Did you press a button for it to continue?

Did you use the simple installer when everything was uninstalled?

If not to both then those could be your problems. Its not automated, its simply simple.


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:22

Well I downloaded your installer then extracted it to the Desktop, and opened the run, and began downloading.
I did not have sims 3 installed also I think it might be because of my operating system which is Windows XP.

After pressing continue It did nothing.


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:24

Did downloaded all of the torrents right? You need to install all of the expansions and what not, then copy the files from the iso's for the base game into the corresponding folder and then for the rest copy the files from the rar files into their corresponding files. Its simple because it will automate a lot of the stuff, but their still is some manual labor.


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:29

Ok so do I download everything from the main website right?
such as base then just put the rar file into 'THE SIMS 3' Folder and press run.?


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:34

No, you can't put the rar files themselves into the folders. You litterally have to extract the rars and put all of the files into the corresponding folders for each game.

You may be better off installing the game manually until we can release a video that explains how to use the simple installer.


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Where can I find all the crack's Empty Re: Where can I find all the crack's

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2011, 05:37

Ok and does it matter what site I download the base from?

Well Anyways Thank you so much, really helped out keep up the great job Very Happy

Oh and last thing when It updates it says error another sims 3 in use? or something I have only the bat file opened and the luncher


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