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Relationship reset

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Relationship reset Empty Relationship reset

Post by Guest Wed 22 Jan 2014, 12:19

So every time I play the sims their relationships or all the people they've ever known are strangers to them. I've already tried to see what is corrupt or conflicting the game and deleted all those from my folder and my sims relationships are still messing up. I don't want to play sims 3 all without my mods or anything else and I don't know what else to do. I'm really frustrated here and thinking about just giving up on it. I put so much effort into it and now it's like why did I even buy this game. I don't even have any money to buy a new laptop either, it really sucks  Crying or Very sad


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Relationship reset Empty Re: Relationship reset

Post by J.T. Thu 23 Jan 2014, 13:36


You needn't buy a new laptop. I think the problems is on incompatible mods. Can you remove them all and see if there are any differences?
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Relationship reset Empty Re: Relationship reset

Post by Guest Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:56

I've already tried to play without all mods and it worked fine but it's sad cause I don't want to play sims without them so...idk I'll just give up on it


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Relationship reset Empty Re: Relationship reset

Post by J.T. Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:27

Catori wrote:I've already tried to play without all mods and it worked fine but it's sad cause I don't want to play sims without them so...idk I'll just give up on it


I know it can be a pain to remove your favourite mods, but you have to do so unless you are sure the mods are compaible with the game version.
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Relationship reset Empty Re: Relationship reset

Post by invalidusername Fri 24 Jan 2014, 22:38

If you'd like, you can test the mods out in smaller groups and see if you can figure out which ones are causing the issue. I recommend halving them until you find it if you have a lot. Otherwise use just a small number and test them out. 

Or, if you have any mods that deal with the relationships between sims, that is probably the cause of this problem, and just that one mod needs to be looked into updating.
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Relationship reset Empty Re: Relationship reset

Post by Admin Fri 24 Jan 2014, 22:43

Relationship reset Friend_Zoned
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Relationship reset Empty Re: Relationship reset

Post by J.T. Sat 25 Jan 2014, 06:54

invalidusername wrote:If you'd like, you can test the mods out in smaller groups and see if you can figure out which ones are causing the issue. I recommend halving them until you find it if you have a lot. Otherwise use just a small number and test them out. 

Or, if you have any mods that deal with the relationships between sims, that is probably the cause of this problem, and just that one mod needs to be looked into updating.

To elaborate further on invalidusername's method, here you go:

Relationship reset 50pFlowv2

Good luck and let us know if you need any more help. Smile
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