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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 01 Feb 2014, 03:35

About a week ago I got a brand new macbook air, and have been trying to install The Sims 3 ever since. I've read multiple installation guides (including "How to install The Sims 3 correctly") and searched everywhere for a solution but I just can't find one!

When I  try to install Town Life sp/Pets ep,  an error pops up "This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 3. Please install The Sims 3 before installing this product." I've tried to install the ep/sp on both patched and unpatched versions of the base game to the same conclusion.

If I try to launch just the base game manually from Game\Bin\TS3.exe, before it would pass the loading screen onto the town selection menu with an error I cannot recall. Now it launches and the screen is black and unresponsive.

Yes I have tried the mac-ultimate fix and the manual patch. I've downloaded lots of large files and wasted time in hope that it would budge, but I'd like a solution, no matter how long it will take as long as I know there will be an end result. Thanks guys  Help


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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Thu 06 Feb 2014, 15:11


Where did you download your base game from? Smile
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 10 Feb 2014, 09:52

Dieneryn wrote:Hello,

Where did you download your base game from? Smile
Thanks for your reply,

I already had Razor's base game downloaded and working on my Win7, so I installed that on my mac.

That didn't work so I downloaded the base game from here, games4theworld, which didn't seem to change anything


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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Tue 11 Feb 2014, 15:27


The base game from this site does not work for macs. Please download the appropriate one linked in the mac installation guide here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t11808-brand-new-how-to-install-the-sims-3-on-mac-os-guide-read-it-here-now-new

Open the PDF file and you may find the link. Smile
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 13 Feb 2014, 09:21

Dieneryn wrote:Hello,

The base game from this site does not work for macs. Please download the appropriate one linked in the mac installation guide here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t11808-brand-new-how-to-install-the-sims-3-on-mac-os-guide-read-it-here-now-new

Open the PDF file and you may find the link. Smile
Thank you so much! I will try this out and let you know if it works!

edit: this works perfect! thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy 


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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Mon 24 Feb 2014, 04:30

You are welcome! Enjoy your game! I'll close the topic for now Very Happy
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Favourite games : The Sims Series, Harvest Moon Series, Legend of Zelda, Patapon, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom, Pheonix Wright Series, Mario, and several other MMORPGs


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Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED] Empty Re: Cannot get the game to work, have tried endless things, please help! [SOLVED]

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