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Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30

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Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Empty Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30

Post by Guest Sat 15 Feb 2014, 05:33

Hello there good folks of G4TW, here i'm sharing my first house!
So if there's any problem with the house and such, just tell what is it and i'll try to correct it.
Thank You
Here's some info of the lot
2 Bedroom
2,5 Bathroom

House made on patch 1.67

Furnished 140,000 Aprox.
Unfurnished 70,000 Aprox.

Lot Size 40x30

It's Highly important to have all EP and SP, since here in G4TW i think most of the users have all of those.
NO CC USED, just to help players that don't have those, like me i give up of Custom Content from the store they always tend to make your game slower.

Here it is some pics, hope you guys like it
Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_28

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_29

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_30

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_31

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_32

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_33

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_34

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_35

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_36

Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Screenshot_37

Sorry about the amauter post, first time doing it. ^^  Noob 

And here's the link for download, it's on Dropbox, so the file is in my own folder here so if there's any problem with the lot i'll delete the file and make a update of it


The Sims Plumbob 1 Happy Simming! The Sims Plumbob 1 

Thank you for your interest!

Moderator edit: Link fixed. Wink

- Carlos

Last edited by ANDREWjkl on Sat 15 Feb 2014, 18:58; edited 5 times in total


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Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Empty Re: Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 15 Feb 2014, 06:15


In this case it shouldn't be too important, but what is your patch level you built the house with, or played with ?

Please add that patch level. Smile 
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Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30 Empty Re: Contemporary Vibe - House 40x30

Post by Guest Sat 15 Feb 2014, 07:18

Carlos wrote:Hello,

In this case it shouldn't be too important, but what is your patch level you built the house with, or played with ?

Please add that patch level. Smile 

Ok, already added the patch, sorry about that, forgot it when i was doing this topic!
Thank You!  Wink


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