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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Sun 09 Feb 2014, 04:05

I'm terribly sorry that you guys keep receiving these stupid  Noob questions but I'm seriously having issues. Plus, I'm a one-hour new user here and I am oblivious to whether or not this is the correct place to post this.

Anyway, I downloaded a few expansion packs (Generations, Seasons, UL) and I was sure that installed everything correctly as directed on your site. I have the actual manufactured CD for the Base Game I bought a while ago. Already patched to the latest update, 1.67. I had quite a few problems with this...

I did this twice already:

The first time:

I installed them, the game never started up. In fact, even the game launcher refused to open. I uninstalled every expansion and replaced the original BIN files for the BG back and the game worked again... Wat. 

Second attempt: 

I installed them again, making sure I installed them right using the installation guide and your website I mentioned before. This time the game started up completely fine. When the first round of the loading screen is done, my joy fades when I'm greeted with this empty main menu .

Again, uninstalled all the expansion packs and re-replaced the BIN files again and the game returned to normal.

  Foreveralone wwhyyyy.....?!

I'm a bit of a slow person and the directions make me feel like I'm missing something. I do have a few questions for this:

  • Do I need to install these in order?
  • I'm using NRaas' No-CD mod and other various mods from Twallan. Does this have anything to do with conflicting the cracks?
  • Do I have to remove my mods folder before I start installing such-and-such?
  • If I happen to have bugs/problems, where do I report this?

What I need is some sort of clarification as to what I'm doing wrong... I'm stressed out and I have a machinima to finish before Valentine's Day and I really need some help.

Please don't judge me; I have enough to feel "small" for...

-Thanks in advance,

From HelloLove98

Last edited by HelloLove98 on Sun 09 Feb 2014, 16:09; edited 2 times in total


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 09 Feb 2014, 10:34


First of all REMOVE ALL YOUR MODS, including this "NRAAS NoCD mod". Then go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete the file scriptCache.package.

Next, have another look at the following guide and (re-) the steps from #2 to #4 here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly

This means apply the latest manual patch (step #2). if you have already downloaded it, then you don't have to re-download it another time. Wink  But re-run the patch (just double-click on it).

Then re-download the LATEST Ultimate fix (step #3). And at the end, copy + paste the two files inside the #crack-folder of the Ultimate fix, into th base game location. And you have to OVERWRITE all existing files ! (choose "copy and replace" for all files when you are prompted - this will delete the old files and put in the new ones).

Make a shortcut to the desktop from the TS3W.exe and use it to start the game !

Please, follow these steps from #2 to #4 as precisely as possible; there is not so much "behind" all this, and if you do everything correctly, it should work. Good luck ! Smile

P.S. Please don't use any swearwords in your posts, although I'm sure you didn't mean it in an offensive way. But it's against the rules.
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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Sun 09 Feb 2014, 16:03

I'm sorry for the unintentional swearing. I remove it Razz

As for this reply, thank you for responding. Whatever happens I'll come back ASAP.


EDIT: Another question, if I happen to want another expansion/stuff pack, do I have to uninstall EVERYTHING and do it again? If I don't what do I have to do?


I'm getting a error message that says:

"Unable to start game; Service initialization failed (0x0175dcbb)


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 09 Feb 2014, 19:01

HelloLove98 wrote:I'm sorry for the unintentional swearing. I remove it Razz

As for this reply, thank you for responding. Whatever happens I'll come back ASAP.


EDIT: Another question, if I happen to want another expansion/stuff pack, do I have to uninstall EVERYTHING and do it again? If I don't what do I have to do?


I'm getting a error message that says:

"Unable to start game; Service initialization failed (0x0175dcbb)

Have a look at this instruction video here:

The video is for 64-bit Windows operating systems. If your Windows is a 32-bit version, then the registry location is different:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Sims

After doing that solution, try re-starting the game.

P.S. If you want to add anything to your original post and nobody has replied so far, then please use the "edit"-button on your post. This allows you to edit your post. Otherwise I'll just have to merge the double-post (= more work).

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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Sun 09 Feb 2014, 19:13

Well again, I'm a one-day  Noob..... Razz

Actually, I had to use the 'TS3.exe' one... not 'TS3W.exe'


Sorry to have been wasting your time. I really, truly appreciate your help :3


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 09 Feb 2014, 19:17

HelloLove98 wrote:Well again, I'm a one-day  Noob..... Razz

Actually, I had to use the 'TS3.exe' one... not 'TS3W.exe'


Sorry to have been wasting your time. I really, truly appreciate your help :3

OK, but is your game working now ?

So you used the TS3W.exe to start the game (the standard way to start the game) ?

Can I help you with anything else then ? Smile 
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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Sun 09 Feb 2014, 19:55

Carlos wrote:

OK, but is your game working now ?

So you used the TS3W.exe to start the game (the standard way to start the game) ?

Can I help you with anything else then ? Smile 

Actually, it works just jut like always; Very Happy  My Sims are are enrolling into Uni.

I use the way most people use to bypass the launcher: I go through the path to get to Sims 3 BG Bin and clicked on the one that says just 'TS3' on it instead. The window pops up and I'm able to see the normal main menu again and the second loading screen going into town.
Maybe the TS3W one only works for some people?

On a good note I'm fine for now. Any other problems and I'll notify you as soon as possible.  tongue


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 09 Feb 2014, 23:29

HelloLove98 wrote:Actually, it works just jut like always; Very Happy  My Sims are are enrolling into Uni.

I use the way most people use to bypass the launcher: I go through the path to get to Sims 3 BG Bin and clicked on the one that says just 'TS3' on it instead. The window pops up and I'm able to see the normal main menu again and the second loading screen going into town.
Maybe the TS3W one only works for some people?

On a good note I'm fine for now. Any other problems and I'll notify you as soon as possible.  tongue

Normally, if you have done "the steps from #2 to #4" in that guide I mentioend above, then you should be able to start the game properly from the TS3W.exe too; but if this 'alternative' method works for you, it's fine of course. Smile 

I'll leave this topic open for now, so if you encounter any other issues, just update this topic here. For now, have fun !  Very Happy 
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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Mon 10 Feb 2014, 02:47

Actually, my game keeps getting frozen. I mean the plumbob still spinning and the plants are still swaying but the sims are stuck  Crying or Very sad


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 10 Feb 2014, 22:48

HelloLove98 wrote:Actually, my game keeps getting frozen. I mean the plumbob still spinning and the plants are still swaying but the sims are stuck  Crying or Very sad

Hello again,

No need to feel like this  Crying or Very sad  let's see what we can do. Wink 

Have a look at this here first and do all steps:  https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t857-the-sims-3-crashes-freezes-to-desktop-fix-updated-on-7-01-2014

If your Windows is a 64-bit version AND if your computer has 4 GB of RAM or more, then focus on step #3 in particular. Download the "4 GB patch" from here. After downloading, double-click on that 4 GB patch and in the next prompt, choose the TS3W.exe in your base game location. Usually, that's C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin.

Note that this method will not work if your Windows is a 32-bit version and/or if you have less than 4 GB of RAM on your computer.

Next, please close down your anti-virus completely, before playing The Sims 3.

Then go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete all contents inside the Currentgame.sims3 folder. Also, in
My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3, delete the following stuff:

-plus the contents of the folders "WorldCaches" & "Thumbnails"

So much for that Smile  see if anything of these things actually help you, and let me (or another Helper) know
. There might still be a few other things, in case it doesn't work.

Good luck !
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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Tue 11 Feb 2014, 02:24

I read into and followed some of the steps. Hopefully this will fix my problem... Although I failed to mention that this only happens while I'm in Sunset Valley.

Anyways, I'll keep you updated if anything goes wrong. Bye for now! Very Happy


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 12 Feb 2014, 07:03

HelloLove98 wrote:I read into and followed some of the steps. Hopefully this will fix my problem... Although I failed to mention that this only happens while I'm in Sunset Valley.

Anyways, I'll keep you updated if anything goes wrong. Bye for now! Very Happy

No problem, feel free to get in touch with us again, whenever you want. Smile 
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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Fri 14 Feb 2014, 01:43


It's still not any better...

I'm in starlight shores and its still freezing. I'm waiting it out to see if it'll respond again.

Sometimes I hate this game.


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 14 Feb 2014, 02:41

HelloLove98 wrote:(Sigh)

It's still not any better...

I'm in starlight shores and its still freezing. I'm waiting it out to see if it'll respond again.

Sometimes I hate this game.

I think this is going to be more complex...but let's see Very Happy  Wink 

Go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saves. Make a BACKUP copy of that whole "Saves" folder somewhere. There, look for a folder that looks like this:

(Name of your savegame).sims3 ..... -> please MOVE this folder out somewhere, for example onto your desktop. Then, look for the following folder:

(Name of your savegame).sims3.backup ..... -> please remove the .backup ending in the folder's name, so that it looks like the folder you just moved out.

Now download and apply the "save files cleaner" from Lady ElDi's opening post here. Double-click on the program to open it. Now you basically scroll to the location of the savefolder you just renamed (the folder from which you removed the .backup-ending). Choose the .nhd file inside it and let the cleaner finish its job; it shouldn't take too long.

You should get a message that the cleaning is finished - so close the program now.

Next step, go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete all contents inside the Currentgame.sims3 folder. Also, in
My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3, delete the following stuff:

-plus the contents of the folders "WorldCaches" & "Thumbnails"

Also, try making a completely new savegame, with new sims, and play on for a while. Good luck again !
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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by Guest Tue 18 Feb 2014, 18:51

Sorry for getting back to you for so long, but I did try what you suggested with the save cleaner. It did help some, but it only cleaned out one part of the junk in the save game. So I checked out a guide from NRaas and it cleaned out everything from the game's memory system. I also got a no memories mod to keep it from clogging again. Now my game works a little faster and I can play longer  Wink


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Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions? Empty Re: Assistance regarding installation of Sims 3 cracked expansions?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 19 Feb 2014, 09:46

HelloLove98 wrote:Sorry for getting back to you for so long, but I did try what you suggested with the save cleaner. It did help some, but it only cleaned out one part of the junk in the save game. So I checked out a guide from NRaas and it cleaned out everything from the game's memory system. I also got a no memories mod to keep it from clogging again. Now my game works a little faster and I can play longer  Wink

Hello again,

To elaborate more on this "memory" theme, have a look at my suggestions in this (older) topic: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t11543-sims-3-error-code-12

I'm not sure if this is what you have done already, but it's still worth to have a look at it.

Keep us updated about this ! Smile 
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