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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 22 Aug 2014, 06:33


I'm back with another issue (im really trying to avoid having to reinstall so please bear with me). Ok so I've got a few things going on.

  1. my game has recently started crashing to the desktop
  2. i can't go into a household/house

okay so for the first one i figured that it might be just a corrupted save so i went and deleted it. so i tried and went back to an old save and played it for an hour and then it crashed so i just kind of shrugged it off and then started a new one. i wanted to try the fixes suggested on this thread (https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t857-the-sims-3-crashes-freezes-to-desktop-fix-updated-on-7-01-2014) but i had a few problems.

  • like with the first suggestion, if i were to run the game without the mods and custom content, will it affect my saved games in any major way?
  • and with the graphics card thing, i don't know how to open the setup page for mine? or at least im not sure if i'm in the correct page?
  • Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Untitl12

so yeah

with the second one though, i tried to move a family into a house and it's all good until i click check button and it's just stuck there. like i can still move around the screen, click on stuff and all. but it just won't load the household. i've got a screenshot too if it helps.

Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Untitl11

so as you can see it's all greyed out, and that's after i've clicked the check button. after that i was still able to click on other things and was even able to click another house/household and choose it and then im back with the same issue of the thing not loading.

if it's any help the recent things that i've done to my game are:

  • used the newest store fixes
  • installed the last venue of amore
  • done the 4gb patch thing (because i apparently have more than 4gb)

so yeah i'm a bit helpless and confused. please help me. thank you!!


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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 22 Aug 2014, 20:04

For your first question, if Mods are retrieved, any custom content from them will be replaced by default content.
Try in Gaming > 3D Application Settings for the second question.
For the last problem, please try to clear your Cache.


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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 29 Aug 2014, 04:13

hello shamrock!!

i did the 3d application setting thing and fixed the game! very happy that it got fixed, i thought i was gonna have to reinstall. so really thank you very much!!


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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sat 30 Aug 2014, 03:57

fantasticbaby wrote:hello shamrock!!

i did the 3d application setting thing and fixed the game! very happy that it got fixed, i thought i was gonna have to reinstall. so really thank you very much!!
Hi there,

Glad to hear that fixed your issue!
Is there anything else we can currently help you with?
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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 30 Aug 2014, 04:46

I'm all good for now, thank you!!


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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 30 Aug 2014, 14:36

Glad to hear!
Problem solved, topic locked.


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Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Can't go into house/household. [SOLVED]

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