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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

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Which Resolution(s) do you Watch YouTube Videos Mostly?

Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? I_vote_lcap57%Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? I_vote_rcap 57% 
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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? Empty Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

Post by Sim Architect Wed 01 Oct 2014, 04:22

Hello! As many of you know, I love producing videos for YouTube, but since YouTube won't give me this information, I would really appreciate your feedback answering this poll. Producing and uploading Full HD video is more time consuming, I have to play the game on full screen and it takes "forever" for the computer to process my video before I can upload it (which is the only part that's ok).

I really wanted to produce 1600 x 900 video, since this resolution is supported by The Sims 3 and would be an ideal pick between performance and quality, but YouTube will reduce it to 1280 x 720, which just "breaks" it!

Even though you can really see the difference on the footage, I have a feeling that everybody just plays with whatever YouTube offers (which is usually 360 or 480p, as they save bandwidth, of course), but I am really unsure about it, and may be wrong, and maybe most of you select the FullHD option when watching my videos (and others)...

That way, please, let me know what you pick when watching YouTube... Do you select it up all the way to 1080p (or maybe even 4K nowadays), or do you usually play 720p or even less, because YouTube just offers you that by default or because your internet service isn't that good?

Thanks a lot for your answers!!!!

Tea 1
Sim Architect
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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? Empty Re: Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

Post by Guest Wed 01 Oct 2014, 04:50

Hi Sven! Smile

I almost always watch them at the highest resolution possible, which most of the time is 720p. But when 1080p is available, I pick that one up. You're right: producing and uploading a video in Full HD is really time-consuming, so when some uploaders (including you) take the time to do it I prefer to watch them at that resolution.

But I feel most of the channels opt for a middle ground, that is 720p. It's still HD, and the video size is smaller for the uploading. I don't find anything wrong with that, it's understandable. The difference is noticeable, but 720p is still really good in my opinion. Any resolution lower than that I only choose when it's the only option, I can't stand the blurriness the video gets.

I'm lucky enough that even in 1080p the videos usually never stop to buffer. Very Happy
That's why I normally select FullHD or HD.

That's my view on it, at least. For your videos specifically, I watch them at 1080p. But checking right now 720p is pretty good too, if you are asking the question to gain some insight on lowering the max resolution of your future videos, because you find that the 1080p resolution is too time-consuming (that's the idea your post gave me, sorry if I'm wrong).


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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? Empty Re: Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

Post by Sim Architect Wed 01 Oct 2014, 05:08

SeoY wrote:Hi Sven! Smile

I almost always watch them at the highest resolution possible, which most of the time is 720p. But when 1080p is available, I pick that one up. You're right: producing and uploading a video in Full HD is really time-consuming, so when some uploaders (including you) take the time to do it I prefer to watch them at that resolution.

But I feel most of the channels opt for a middle ground, that is 720p. It's still HD, and the video size is smaller for the uploading. I don't find anything wrong with that, it's understandable. The difference is noticeable, but 720p is still really good in my opinion. Any resolution lower than that I only choose when it's the only option, I can't stand the blurriness the video gets.

I'm lucky enough that even in 1080p the videos usually never stop to buffer. Very Happy
That's why I normally select FullHD or HD.

That's my view on it, at least. For your videos specifically, I watch them at 1080p. But checking right now 720p is not that bad either, if you are asking the question to gain some insight on lowering the max resolution of your future videos, because you find the 1080p resolution is too time-consuming (that's the idea your post gave me, sorry if I'm wrong). Wink
Thanks, SeoY!!!

Well, I needed to know if it makes a difference to anyone to upload my videos in FullHD, because I noticed myself that I end up viewing most of the videos in the default resolution, which YouTube makes into 480p (and I have a 200 Mbps fiber at home) unless if I am full screen (then it switches to Full HD).

To be honest, I am ok about the extra time processing and uploading, what I dislike a bit is the fact I need to play the game in Full Screen (without being able to multitask on my computer, even though I have a second monitor).

I don't feel like spending 2000 dollars for a 4K TV yet (yes, that's how much they are charging for those in Brazil, and 4K is only twice on each direction, and the new TV would have just about 6 inches more in diagonal compared to mine, such a sweet waste of money, I just got the desire to buy one, since I use a TV as a monitor and we're pretty near each other...), and I feel that if I had one I would have a strong and crazy desire to make 4K sims videos, since I believe I would be the first...

Please let me know if you have any ideas on how I can upload great quality videos being able to multitask, because I didn't get the hang on using the laptop and the desktop at same time (and I am selling the laptop anyway), I really love to be able to just go with the mouse to another screen and quickly answer a message while I am playing, which is something I can't do unless I am using a lower resolution. Maybe I ask my brother to bring me a 4K smaller TV from his trip to Canada November.

1600 x 900 would be just perfect, but YouTube doesn't support 900p and upscaling the video would not be a wise idea.

I have an old tube second monitor, but even though it has 1200 lines, it has only 1600 columns, so it won't fit the width and the game recording would not work properly...

I just wish there was a way to fool The Sims into letting me go with my mouse cursor out of it seamlessly, but I have to pause the recording and use Alt + TAB everytime I need to look into something using Google.

Sorry for sharing my feelings, I really need to know what people enjoy and, maybe, some of you can give me nice ideas like you just did. I really thought that nobody watched my videos on Full HD, but knowing that at least you do is very important to me, because I don't even do it myself, since it's my own content, I just watch it in a windowed regular mode that always shows at 480p to me, I don't know why...
Sim Architect
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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? Empty Re: Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

Post by Guest Wed 01 Oct 2014, 05:37

SvenT wrote:Thanks, SeoY!!!

Well, I needed to know if it makes a difference to anyone to upload my videos in FullHD, because I noticed myself that I end up viewing most of the videos in the default resolution, which YouTube makes into 480p (and I have a 200 Mbps fiber at home) unless if I am full screen (then it switches to Full HD).

To be honest, I am ok about the extra time processing and uploading, what I dislike a bit is the fact I need to play the game in Full Screen (without being able to multitask on my computer, even though I have a second monitor).

I don't feel like spending 2000 dollars for a 4K TV yet (yes, that's how much they are charging for those in Brazil, and 4K is only twice on each direction, and the new TV would have just about 6 inches more in diagonal compared to mine, such a sweet waste of money, I just got the desire to buy one, since I use a TV as a monitor and we're pretty near each other...), and I feel that if I had one I would have a strong and crazy desire to make 4K sims videos, since I believe I would be the first...

Please let me know if you have any ideas on how I can upload great quality videos being able to multitask, because I didn't get the hang on using the laptop and the desktop at same time (and I am selling the laptop anyway), I really love to be able to just go with the mouse to another screen and quickly answer a message while I am playing, which is something I can't do unless I am using a lower resolution. Maybe I ask my brother to bring me a 4K smaller TV from his trip to Canada November.

1600 x 900 would be just perfect, but YouTube doesn't support 900p and upscaling the video would not be a wise idea.

I have an old tube second monitor, but even though it has 1200 lines, it has only 1600 columns, so it won't fit the width and the game recording would not work properly...

I just wish there was a way to fool The Sims into letting me go with my mouse cursor out of it seamlessly, but I have to pause the recording and use Alt + TAB everytime I need to look into something using Google.

Sorry for sharing my feelings, I really need to know what people enjoy and, maybe, some of you can give me nice ideas like you just did. I really thought that nobody watched my videos on Full HD, but knowing that at least you do is very important to me, because I don't even do it myself, since it's my own content, I just watch it in a windowed regular mode that always shows at 480p to me, I don't know why...

Actually, I think there is a way to "fool" the game the way you want. It's called borderless fullscreen windowed, where you play in a window but it still looks fullscreen, as the window borders are removed. Sadly, The Sims 3 doesn't have this built-in, but one of the team members (I can't really remember right now who it was...) recommended one program when I asked him a few weeks ago. It was Windowed Borderless Gaming. Take a look at it here:

It's pretty simple to use once you get the hang of it (which shouldn't take you more than two minutes). I haven't really tried it that much, but it seems to work as it's supposed to. Maybe you could give it a try?

I'm sure there are more programs like that one, even better maybe, but that's the one I know of. I hope it's something like what you are looking for. Smile

EDIT: Looking a bit more into the matter, I found this page:

It has a list of programs that allow the same thing, listing the advantages and disadvantages of each one.


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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? Empty Re: Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 05 Oct 2014, 10:42

SvenT wrote:Hello! As many of you know, I love producing videos for YouTube, but since YouTube won't give me this information, I would really appreciate your feedback answering this poll. Producing and uploading Full HD video is more time consuming, I have to play the game on full screen and it takes "forever" for the computer to process my video before I can upload it (which is the only part that's ok).

I really wanted to produce 1600 x 900 video, since this resolution is supported by The Sims 3 and would be an ideal pick between performance and quality, but YouTube will reduce it to 1280 x 720, which just "breaks" it!

Even though you can really see the difference on the footage, I have a feeling that everybody just plays with whatever YouTube offers (which is usually 360 or 480p, as they save bandwidth, of course), but I am really unsure about it, and may be wrong, and maybe most of you select the FullHD option when watching my videos (and others)...

That way, please, let me know what you pick when watching YouTube... Do you select it up all the way to 1080p (or maybe even 4K nowadays), or do you usually play 720p or even less, because YouTube just offers you that by default or because your internet service isn't that good?

Thanks a lot for your answers!!!!

Tea 1

Hey Sven,

I never really thought about that, but usually I have no "preferred" resolution. 1080p would be fine for me though. Very Happy  

You also need to take into account that many videos that are posted on YouTube aren't necessarily meant to "look good", if I may say so (lol). It's often just short (& stupid) clips or music videos. People don't watch these for the sake of good resolution, but for mere "entertainment". 

If - let's say - I want a good movie or documentary, I'll look on Piratebay for a good DVD/Blu-Ray rip. But I don't expect (most) YouTube videos to look good. 

The thing with video tutorials is different though, and these should be of higher resolution, if possible. I would for now experiment with 1080p. You really shouldn't have to focus on the highest resolutions, if it's too much of a hassle for you Sven !

That's it for now....and keep up the really excellent work ! Wink  
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Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos? Empty Re: Which Resolution do you Watch YouTube Videos?

Post by Sim Architect Sat 11 Oct 2014, 12:21

Carlos wrote:
SvenT wrote:Hello! As many of you know, I love producing videos for YouTube, but since YouTube won't give me this information, I would really appreciate your feedback answering this poll. Producing and uploading Full HD video is more time consuming, I have to play the game on full screen and it takes "forever" for the computer to process my video before I can upload it (which is the only part that's ok).

I really wanted to produce 1600 x 900 video, since this resolution is supported by The Sims 3 and would be an ideal pick between performance and quality, but YouTube will reduce it to 1280 x 720, which just "breaks" it!

Even though you can really see the difference on the footage, I have a feeling that everybody just plays with whatever YouTube offers (which is usually 360 or 480p, as they save bandwidth, of course), but I am really unsure about it, and may be wrong, and maybe most of you select the FullHD option when watching my videos (and others)...

That way, please, let me know what you pick when watching YouTube... Do you select it up all the way to 1080p (or maybe even 4K nowadays), or do you usually play 720p or even less, because YouTube just offers you that by default or because your internet service isn't that good?

Thanks a lot for your answers!!!!

Tea 1

Hey Sven,

I never really thought about that, but usually I have no "preferred" resolution. 1080p would be fine for me though. Very Happy  

You also need to take into account that many videos that are posted on YouTube aren't necessarily meant to "look good", if I may say so (lol). It's often just short (& stupid) clips or music videos. People don't watch these for the sake of good resolution, but for mere "entertainment". 

If - let's say - I want a good movie or documentary, I'll look on Piratebay for a good DVD/Blu-Ray rip. But I don't expect (most) YouTube videos to look good. 

The thing with video tutorials is different though, and these should be of higher resolution, if possible. I would for now experiment with 1080p. You really shouldn't have to focus on the highest resolutions, if it's too much of a hassle for you Sven !

That's it for now....and keep up the really excellent work ! Wink  
Thanks, Carlos!!

I think I will keep up producing 1080p for now, even though it won't allow me multitask...

I don't plan on going further, since I don't have a 4K monitor (I would love to own one of those big TVs but they are too expensive here and I am not at my permanent residence yet, so I will just save twice not buying new hardware for now).

I am thinking about buying one cardboard goggle on eBay to convert my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 phone into 3D glasses, it will be fun to watch my videos on 3D (yes! my videos are also available in 3D, did you know??) and have some fun with them!

I feel that people like game plays and simulation better than building or tutorial videos (remember the Lady ElDi evil's sister video?), I feel that I should have at least two video streams running parallel on my channel, one for building, one for live mode.

I might make a Google Hangout live for you guys, so you can tell me what to do on twitter/facebook while I am working live on the game. I will learn how to do it first, then I let you all know about my first event!

Your feedback is always appreciated, anyway! I don't usually pick resolution when watching YouTube videos either, except for when I want a more clear view (specially when there is text involved and I am watching an important tutorial or anything like that) but, as SeoY said above, I am really trying to make the effort to watch at least HD whenever possible, since the producer went through all the trouble to make the content Full HD to start with...

I hope I can get back to produce my video a day ASAP! I miss it!
Sim Architect
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