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My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Tue 11 Nov 2014, 01:19

Well, hi I am new here I used your fix everything goes fine when I am going offline mode on orgin etc. But when I completely quit Orgin my game won't start I get a an error that pretty much everyone is getting. I did all of the things above and it just seems it needs orgin to play. I have a problem with the DLC. I downloaded from the piratebay site and the dlc isn't popping up at the start. Does the piratebay one come with the DLC or do I have to download another one (which I have the space for)? I'm new here.


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Tue 11 Nov 2014, 01:32

Hi there, and welcome to the Games4theworld forum! Very Happy

Sorry, but could you tell us exactly what is this error you are getting? There are some different ones, like the "Unable to start" error or the "rld.dll failed to initialize" one.

And did you make sure that the one you downloaded is the G4TW release? It should have * Games4theworld * in its name, or alternatively you can get it from our downloads website here:

If you downloaded another release different from ours (like the 3DM one), it indeed needs Origin to work. Wink


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Tue 11 Nov 2014, 01:52

Thanks for the welcoming. Yep I downloaded that one from piratebay the user name of it was Games4World. I disabled pretty much everything and still got the error. everything works fine when i'm on orgin (except the dlc not popping up). The error I got is: Unable to start: Initialization error at start up [135dec40;984c6a38;00000077]


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Tue 11 Nov 2014, 10:19

That error is because of your antivirus.
Please add the whole folder of the game in Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\ to your antivirus, then try the fix again. 


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Wed 12 Nov 2014, 08:31

Shamrock wrote:That error is because of your antivirus.
Please add the whole folder of the game in Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\ to your antivirus, then try the fix again. 
 That didn't work unless I did something wrong because I use windows defender.


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 13 Nov 2014, 12:02

Rockbottom231 wrote: That didn't work unless I did something wrong because I use windows defender.

Can you also try de-activating your Windows firewall completely ? And of course, make sure to configure Windows Defender too, so that it doesn't block the TS4.exe in any way.

If nothing works, keep all your anti-virus/firewall software completely and permanently disabled. Then un-install the game, and re-boot the computer. After the re-boot, double-check whether your anti-virus software is still de-activated (if it turned itself on in the meantime, turn it OFF again).

Now, with your "security"-software disabled, re-install the game again. And then see if you can start it. Good luck !
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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Tue 18 Nov 2014, 04:16

Carlos wrote:
Rockbottom231 wrote: That didn't work unless I did something wrong because I use windows defender.

Can you also try de-activating your Windows firewall completely ? And of course, make sure to configure Windows Defender too, so that it doesn't block the TS4.exe in any way.

If nothing works, keep all your anti-virus/firewall software completely and permanently disabled. Then un-install the game, and re-boot the computer. After the re-boot, double-check whether your anti-virus software is still de-activated (if it turned itself on in the meantime, turn it OFF again).

Now, with your "security"-software disabled, re-install the game again. And then see if you can start it. Good luck !
I did all of the above and I still get the error Sad I even restarted my computer.


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 18 Nov 2014, 18:13

Rockbottom231 wrote:I did all of the above and I still get the error Sad I even restarted my computer.

If you say your game works fine with Origin turned on, then please stick with this "method" for now. The fact that you get this error is most likely due to your "security"-software. Which can either be your anti-virus, your Windows firewall, your "Windows Defender" or any combination thereof. Or maybe you even wrongly configured the stuff.

If I have the time, I'll try writing a guide on how to configure Windows Defnder and the Windows firewalls too, but until then, please try and use the Origin client. It's not easy to explain how to handle this, even more so since you generally appear to have some difficulties in dealing with this "security"-software.

It's a shame that these things like anti-virus programs and firewalls are now being used by companies to "track down" cracked game files. But when it comes to REAL virusses, they help exactly ZERO. 

So you might just as well consider living without any of these programs, but that's up to you. Smile 
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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Thu 20 Nov 2014, 04:28

Carlos wrote:
Rockbottom231 wrote:I did all of the above and I still get the error Sad I even restarted my computer.

If you say your game works fine with Origin turned on, then please stick with this "method" for now. The fact that you get this error is most likely due to your "security"-software. Which can either be your anti-virus, your Windows firewall, your "Windows Defender" or any combination thereof. Or maybe you even wrongly configured the stuff.

If I have the time, I'll try writing a guide on how to configure Windows Defnder and the Windows firewalls too, but until then, please try and use the Origin client. It's not easy to explain how to handle this, even more so since you generally appear to have some difficulties in dealing with this "security"-software.

It's a shame that these things like anti-virus programs and firewalls are now being used by companies to "track down" cracked game files. But when it comes to REAL virusses, they help exactly ZERO. 

So you might just as well consider living without any of these programs, but that's up to you. Smile 
Ok thanks for the help! Very Happy


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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 21 Nov 2014, 06:11

Rockbottom231 wrote:Ok thanks for the help! Very Happy

Do you want the topic closed (is your problem solved now ?) or should I leave it open for you to post back, at some point ? Smile 
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My game needs Orgin?  No dlc is popping up. Empty Re: My game needs Orgin? No dlc is popping up.

Post by Guest Fri 21 Nov 2014, 10:14

Carlos wrote:
Rockbottom231 wrote:Ok thanks for the help! Very Happy

Do you want the topic closed (is your problem solved now ?) or should I leave it open for you to post back, at some point ? Smile 
I think you should leave it open just in case.


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