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Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED]

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Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED] Empty Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 22 Dec 2014, 03:29

I've already put the installation folders on Drive C and D on my anti-virus exception list. I've also extracted the compressed files using winRar but in the middle of installation, I'd have to cancel cause it says that setup1.cab is missing. I've searched for it in all the folders but can't seem to find it. The pop-up says "Source file not found: D:\Games D\The Sims 4\setup1.cab. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it."


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Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 22 Dec 2014, 03:43

Hi there, violet.vazzy, and welcome to the Games4theworld Forum! Smile

Did you make sure to extract all of the contents of the RAR? And you should probably try to install it from the C: drive instead. So, create an empty folder anywhere in your C: drive, open the RAR file with WinRAR and drag all of the files from inside to that empty folder. Make sure that you extracted all of them. After that, double click The_Sims_4_Setup.exe and check if the problem persists.

Good luck, and please let us know how it goes! Very Happy


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Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 02 Jan 2015, 06:28

Did what you said. I've finally installed it! Thanks! IAmSoHappyEmergahwd

Mod edit: problem solved, topic closed.

- Carlos


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Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing setup1.cab. [SOLVED]

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