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Crashing Issue

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Crashing Issue Empty Crashing Issue

Post by Guest Wed 28 Jan 2015, 19:31

I bought a brand new comp this year.
Ran all my Sims 3 games, and it was perfect. No lag, I got the fluff on pets, etc.

Yesterday I had my very first crash.
Said, via Crash Log Analyzer, my graphics card isn't found.

After research, I noticed my card is so new, it doesn't notice it.
So after fixing it and having my game recognize my new card, it all worked again.

Yet.... I got another crash.
CLA analyzer said it was CC.
The ONLY CC I had was store content and worlds. All downloaded from ya'll. Never had a problem.

So I deleted all store content. Still got the CC warning crash. Dashboard program said it was some sculpture Llama balloon causing conflicts.

Deleted all worlds since the ONLY statue llama thingy I saw was in my launcher under Roaring Heights world. STILL crashed from CC warning. 

All I had left was all expansion and stuff packs. What... the...

So. I uninstalled everything. I plan to reinstall everything back, of course, but I was seeing if I could get some insight first Smile


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Crashing Issue Empty Re: Crashing Issue

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 29 Jan 2015, 09:53


Well, I think uninstalling everything was a bit much. I would've started with clearing the caches and updating my (graphics) drivers.
Issues with content don't come up out of nowhere. If you didn't add any content prior to the first crash, and you've been running that setup for a while without problems, it's hard to imagine that the game would suddenly begin to crash due to a content conflict.

Make sure you os and hardware drivers are all up to date before you start reinstalling.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
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