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high end loft and outdoor living

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high end loft and outdoor living Empty high end loft and outdoor living

Post by Guest Tue 03 Mar 2015, 17:25

Good afternoon!

I recently downloaded Outdoor living stuff pack from your webpage and when I was about to install it I found some trouble. I have installed some other expansions before, and all of them had more o less the same steps to install them, but I realised that these one has some pretty peculiar ones.

Quoted from the #Intallation Guide.txt in Outdoor living stuff winzip.

1. First of all install The Sims 3 base game from ...
2. When you're done installing the base game, open "Start", type "regedit" in the search box and
then press [ENTER].
3. When you're in the Register Editor, navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > Sims > The Sims 3  (Windows 7, Vista)

4. Here you'll see a file called "SKU". Double click on it and change the value - which
should be "2" or "7" - to "1" and press "OK". Now close the Register Editor.
5. Open the "# Patch" folder in this .rar file and double-click on the "TS3_1.19.44.010001_Update.exe"
in there. The wizard will now patch your The Sims 3 base game to v1.19.44.010001.
If you get an "Invalid File" error during the patching, please apply step 1 to 10 of this fix:
https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t752-the-sims-3-latest-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems (Putting
back the original files, so you can patch the game)

6. When the patching is done, open the "Sims3SP03Setup.exe" in this .rar file and follow on screen 
7. When a Serial Code is needed, use one of the following codes:

From here on everything  seems pretty normal, the crack and all that. I had never seem those 2 to 5 steps until now. Is it normal? Did I downloaded the wrong winzip? 

Thank you very much in advance!


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high end loft and outdoor living Empty Re: high end loft and outdoor living

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 04 Mar 2015, 05:15

Hello again,

Please note that those instructions you quoted are from the time "Outdoor Living stuff" was released...so (I think ?) from 2011 or 2012. They have become long obsolete.

These are the latest instructions, which you should follow ALL the time:

Also note that the "Complete Collection" of TS3, which Games4TheWorld released not too long ago, also has up-to-date instructions. But those "separate" downloads have outdated guides, and the only thing in there that is relevant is the serial number which you need during installation.

Does that answer your question(s) ? Smile 
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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