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Weird problem.

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Weird problem.  Empty Weird problem.

Post by Guest Mon 06 Apr 2015, 08:08

After tears of hard work, I finally got my Sims 4 and the expansion parks to work (ultimate fix).
I uninstalled my origin base game, added firewall exceptions and everything else. 
Then I found out that as soon as I exit the game and sleep my computer and restart the game, my expansion packs fail to load
and it prompts me with game data incomplete. I can temporarily fix the problem by reapplying the ultimate fix but it will only continue to do so the next time I do the same thing.

I don't mean to whine about this but it is starting to annoy me and will be a bigger problem especially when the size of the ultimate fix gets bigger (more updates and expansion packs).



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Weird problem.  Empty Re: Weird problem.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 08 Apr 2015, 12:27

jayshinkw wrote:After tears of hard work, I finally got my Sims 4 and the expansion parks to work (ultimate fix).
I uninstalled my origin base game, added firewall exceptions and everything else. 
Then I found out that as soon as I exit the game and sleep my computer and restart the game, my expansion packs fail to load
and it prompts me with game data incomplete. I can temporarily fix the problem by reapplying the ultimate fix but it will only continue to do so the next time I do the same thing.

I don't mean to whine about this but it is starting to annoy me and will be a bigger problem especially when the size of the ultimate fix gets bigger (more updates and expansion packs).


Hello and welcome (sorry for the belated reply though),

I assume you found this here already ?

Indeed, that is very important, but I have the small feeling that there is still a lot to learn about this phenomenon. 

Does that mean your issues are solved now ? And if so, do you have any other questions for now ? Smile 
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Weird problem.  Empty Re: Weird problem.

Post by Guest Thu 09 Apr 2015, 06:18

Yes I have, I just have to re-apply all the folders from the get to work folder.


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Weird problem.  Empty Re: Weird problem.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 14 Apr 2015, 19:08

jayshinkw wrote:Yes I have, I just have to re-apply all the folders from the get to work folder.

Topic un-locked again. Smile  

If you are still having problems with that issue, it means that you did NOT properly configure your anti-virus systems. Please - again - refer to the guide I linked in my previous reply. The fact that you need to re-apply the "Get to Work"-files every time, is not good, and it usually means that some "security"-program keeps deleting files of your game installation.

Sorry, but that is all I can say about this.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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Location : Liechtenstein / Switzerland / Austria

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