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Downloading & re-installing Sims 4 when I already have the legit Sims 4

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Downloading & re-installing Sims 4 when I already have the legit Sims 4 Empty Downloading & re-installing Sims 4 when I already have the legit Sims 4

Post by Guest Sat 10 Oct 2015, 00:33

I downloaded Get To Work from G4TW & having an error I read that I must have the G4TW version of the Sims 4. 
So I already have both Sims 4 & the expansion installed, I just want to know if I have to uninstall my original Sims 4 & start everything all over again? Or is there a sneaky, quick way of just drop & drag the pirated version to replace the original?

If not I need to download Sims 4, Get To Work & The Ultimate Fix which will take several hours thus making this a 2 day process so far ha ha!



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Downloading & re-installing Sims 4 when I already have the legit Sims 4 Empty Re: Downloading & re-installing Sims 4 when I already have the legit Sims 4

Post by Sim Architect Tue 20 Oct 2015, 11:21

You will have to download everything anyway, because the new game (your legit game must be up to date) won't accept the crack.

About having both, I believe it is doable, you need to rename your game folder and your The Sims 4 folder inside Documents to something else, uninstall the legit game, install all the cracked versions the way I show in my video below (the video's description has all the links you need), then you can run the pirated complete version with Origin on OFF LINE mode (or completely closed).

Whenever you want to play the legit one, you need to rename The Sims 4 folder inside your Documents to something else (like The Sims 4 Pirate) and rename the old legit folder inside your Documents to The Sims 4, so you have your legit saves, then run the legit exe with origin ON LINE from wherever you placed it (or you can just move the legit exe back to your original origin folder if you like, as long you don't mix the pirate with original on the same folder).

Switch back and forth whenever you want the legit or the pirate one. I hope it works, since I can't try myself for not owning the game, but I have heard of people who had success with it!

Also, the topic below can be useful Wink

How to Install The Sims 4 with Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spa Day and all DLCs (with torrent link)!

Please, keep us posted!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Age : 45
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