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[MAC] Sims 4 CAS crash

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[MAC] Sims 4 CAS crash Empty [MAC] Sims 4 CAS crash

Post by Guest Sat 28 May 2016, 21:15


First time here! So, I just completely reinstalled TS4 using wine (because I haven't played the game for so long and I couldn't open it anymore), following the instruction on this forum. I then had the "origin not running" problem with the add-ons. I installed origin.exe in the wrapper and it worked.

Now, my problem is that every time I start the game and create a sim, it crashes as soon as I click on the personality trait boxes, no matter how long I've customizing my sim. A message about Origin (I think) appears, just like when running the game, but even if I close it using "enter", it still crashes. 

When that same message appears before the game opens, all I have to do is close it and everything is fine. Why is it suddenly appearing when I click the personality trait boxes? I have no clue what to do about this and I can't play the game, hope someone can help!

Thank you! Sorry for my English!

(Btw, I am on Macbook Air El Capitan if this has anything to do...)


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