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CAST Materializing Materials.

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CAST Materializing Materials. Empty CAST Materializing Materials.

Post by Guest Wed 24 Aug 2016, 07:23

01:19:51 AM EASTERN

I'm having a issue in game. I did not know that you couldn't merge patterns and I covert them from .sims3packs to packages and then merged them with other CC. I removed the merged package in my game after I got the never ending Materializing Materials message. 

I then got back in game and had the same message! I moved my WHOLE EA sports folder to another location and I let the game reset itself and it work but then I added a few things like my sims (who were working fine before this mistake) and the house they were living in. I added a few mods but not any CC. I still recieved this message.

Can some please help me? Is it just a file that is corrupt now? What can I do?


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CAST Materializing Materials. Empty Re: CAST Materializing Materials.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 25 Aug 2016, 17:38

ShyJizzyy wrote:01:19:51 AM EASTERN

I'm having a issue in game. I did not know that you couldn't merge patterns and I covert them from .sims3packs to packages and then merged them with other CC. I removed the merged package in my game after I got the never ending Materializing Materials message. 

I then got back in game and had the same message! I moved my WHOLE EA sports folder to another location and I let the game reset itself and it work but then I added a few things like my sims (who were working fine before this mistake) and the house they were living in. I added a few mods but not any CC. I still recieved this message.

Can some please help me? Is it just a file that is corrupt now? What can I do?

Hello @ShyJizzyy and welcome to the forum,

I dimly recall that this particular error was caused by custom patterns, even if they are included within a lot. The only thing I can offer for now is that you try doing without the lots. You should be able to "keep" your sims, but you may need to leave out the lots. Maybe someone else has a better idea though.

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