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Base game doesn't see the expansion packs

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Base game doesn't see the expansion packs Empty Base game doesn't see the expansion packs

Post by Guest Sun 18 Jun 2017, 23:16


I have a problem considering the game lunch. I've installed the game and a few expansion packs (including pets, seasons, adventuresand supernatural), done all the steps in "how to install the sims 3 correctly", including manual update, and when I launch the game (clicking on the TS3 application) there is no setup screen (I have no idea how to describe it, the first pop-up window showing updates, stuff from the store, etc.), the game just launches automatically and there are no expansion packs in the game. the "TS3W" app won't open, there's some kind of "0x0175dcbb error". I also tried opening it directly from expansion packs, the same error occurs. I have no idea what the problem might be, I thought I did everything right, only difference from the Ultimate Fix is that I didn't install the games on the C: disc and there is no Electronic Arts folder, so I just put the stuff from Crack folder to Game\Bin in where I installed the game, I don't know if it's relevant, but that's the only thing I can think of.
I hope someone will be able to help, I would be super grateful!


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Base game doesn't see the expansion packs Empty Re: Base game doesn't see the expansion packs

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 02 Jul 2017, 09:11


Welcome to the forum.

Did you also install the expansions on the other drive? 
This code means broken registry entries. 
You say you didn't install on C:, did you, by any chance, install the game to an external HD? If you did, please make sure the drive is being assigned the exact same drive letter every time you start the PC. If it is being assigned another, the registry entries will be broken.

If that's not what it is, please do let us know, and we'll keep searching for the solution!
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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