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Can't start a new game

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Can't start a new game Empty Can't start a new game

Post by Guest Tue 05 Feb 2019, 22:08

Ever since I downloaded get famous, I can't make a new game and the game is really unstable. How do I fix this?


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Can't start a new game Empty Re: Can't start a new game

Post by Guest Tue 05 Feb 2019, 22:53

Go to Documents\Electronic Arts and move The Sims 4 folder to desktop. This will start the game fresh, you can move saves back later. If that doesn't solve the problem, run the validator (in quick scan mode) and post the result here.


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Can't start a new game Empty Re: Can't start a new game

Post by Guest Wed 06 Feb 2019, 22:21

anadius wrote:Go to Documents\Electronic Arts and move The Sims 4 folder to desktop. This will start the game fresh, you can move saves back later. If that doesn't solve the problem, run the validator (in quick scan mode) and post the result here.
Thanks for the help! It works properly now!


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Can't start a new game Empty Re: Can't start a new game

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