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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 19:33


Hi team,

Previously I've played with the old portable SIMS 4 because I don't have the admin's rights.

I've tried all the way to switch the last update to french (codex, temporary reg file see below)

"DisplayName"="The Sims 4 Portable"
"GDFBinary"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\__Installer\\GDFBinary_fr_FR.dll"
"GDFBinary64"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\__Installer\\GDFBinary_fr_FR_64.dll"
"Install Dir"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin"
"Product GUID"="{48EBEBBF-B9F8-4520-A3CF-89A730721917}"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\InstallOptSelect]

But the game still launch in FR...

Any idea ?

Thanks !


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 19:41

You just said you tried changing the language to French and the game starts in French. So what's the problem?

Anyway, the .reg file you're using adds bunch of unnecessary stuff and it doesn't change the language for 32-bit exe on 64-bit system. So: is your system 64-bit? What exe are you trying to start?


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 20:27

Still launch in en_US sorry

And I try to launch TS4_x64 with W10 x64.

Do you have any idea how to change ?

And when I launch this cmd 

With this config, still in en

@echo off

if "%ScriptTitle%"=="" set ScriptTitle=The Sims 4 Portable
title %ScriptTitle% - Initializing...
if "%SfxString1%"=="" nircmd win hide ititle "%ScriptTitle% - Initializing..."

set AnotherInstanceRunning=0
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2,9 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /v /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo csv') do (
 echo %%~b| find /i "%ScriptTitle% - Initializing..." >nul 2>&1&& set ScriptPID=%%~a
 echo %%~b| find /i "%ScriptTitle% - Running..." >nul 2>&1&& if not "%%~a"=="%ScriptPID%" set AnotherInstanceRunning=1

if /i not "%CD%"=="%windir%\System32" (
 set CurrentDir=%CD%
) else (
 set CurrentDir=%~dp0
if "%CurrentDir:~-1%"=="\" set CurrentDir=%CurrentDir:~0,-1%
if "%System32Dir%"=="" set System32Dir=%windir%\System32
if "%VirtualHKLMSoftware%"=="" set VirtualHKLMSoftware=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE

if "%GameInstallationPath%"=="" set GameInstallationPath=%CurrentDir%
if "%SavesPath%"=="" set SavesPath=%CurrentDir%\Saves
if "%OriginPath%"=="" set OriginPath=%CurrentDir%\Origin

for %%a in (%*) do if /i "%%~xa"==".ini" set ConfigurationFile=%%~a
if "%ConfigurationFile%"=="" set ConfigurationFile=%CurrentDir%\%~n0.ini
if not exist "%ConfigurationFile%" (
 if "%Language%"=="" for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('%System32Dir%\reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language" /v Installlanguage') do (
 if [%%a] equ [0405] set Language=cs_CZ
 if [%%a] equ [0406] set Language=da_DK
 if [%%a] equ [0407] set Language=de_DE
 if [%%a] equ [0409] set Language=en_US
 if [%%a] equ [0C0A] set Language=es_ES
 if [%%a] equ [040B] set Language=fi_FI
 if [%%a] equ [040C] set Language=fr_FR
 if [%%a] equ [0410] set Language=it_IT
 if [%%a] equ [0411] set Language=ja_JP
 if [%%a] equ [0412] set Language=ko_KR
 if [%%a] equ [0413] set Language=nl_NL
 if [%%a] equ [0414] set Language=no_NO
 if [%%a] equ [0415] set Language=pl_PL
 if [%%a] equ [0416] set Language=pt_BR
 if [%%a] equ [0419] set Language=ru_RU
 if [%%a] equ [041D] set Language=sv_SE
 if [%%a] equ [0404] set Language=zh_TW
chcp 1252>nul
if exist "%ConfigurationFile%" (
 for /f "usebackq eol=; tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%ConfigurationFile%") do (
 if not "%%~b"=="" if exist "%CurrentDir%\%%~b" (
 call set %%~a=%CurrentDir%\%%~b
 ) else (
 call set %%~a=%%~b
) else (
 echo GameInstallationPath=> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo Language=%Language%>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo SavesPath=>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo OriginPath=>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo ;Optional, for power users. Write GameBin=Game\Bin\TS4.exe if you need to run the Reloaded game without elevated privileges or write Origin to run Origin:>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo GameBin=>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo New INI file created: "%ConfigurationFile%"
chcp 850>nul

if "%GameBin%"=="%OriginPath%" set GameBin=%OriginPath%\Origin.exe
if "%GameBin%"=="Origin" set GameBin=%OriginPath%\Origin.exe

"%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0"| find /i "x86">nul&& (
 if "%WOW6432Node%"=="" set WOW6432Node=
 if "%GameBin%"=="" set GameBin=%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\TS4.exe
)|| (
 if "%WOW6432Node%"=="" set WOW6432Node=\WOW6432Node
 if "%GameBin%"=="" set GameBin=%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\TS4_x64.exe
"%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19 >nul 2>&1&& (
 if "%IsElevated%"=="" set IsElevated=1
 if "%mklink%"=="" set mklink=d
)|| (
 if "%IsElevated%"=="" set IsElevated=0
 if "%mklink%"=="" set mklink=j
 set VirtualHKLMSoftware=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE%WOW6432Node%
 if "%WOW6432Node%"=="\WOW6432Node" (
 set System32Dir=%windir%\SysWOW64
 echo %GameBin%| find /i "x64"> nul&& set reg64=/reg:64
 if exist "%GameBin%_No_Admin.exe" set GameBin=%GameBin:.exe=_No_Admin.exe%

for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%a in ('%System32Dir%\reg.exe query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal"') do set DocumentsDir=%%a

echo ConfigurationFile: %ConfigurationFile%
echo GameInstallationPath: %GameInstallationPath%
echo Language: %Language%
echo SavesPath: %SavesPath%
echo OriginPath: %OriginPath%
echo GameBin: %GameBin%
echo Variables loaded

goto :ScriptBeginning

 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /v "IsPortable" %reg64%&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" /f * %reg64%|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" /s /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f %reg64%
) >nul 2>&1
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /v "IsPortable" /reg:32&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /v "IsPortable" /reg:32&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /v "IsPortable" /reg:32&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
) >nul 2>&1
exit /b

rmdir /q "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts"
ren "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts" "Electronic Arts.PortableBackup"
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 rmdir /q "%APPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%APPDATA%\Origin" "Origin.PortableBackup"
 rmdir /q "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin" "Origin.PortableBackup"
exit /b

if not exist "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" (
 ren "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini" "RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini"
) else (
 del /f "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
exit /b

 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" "%SavesPath%\Reg\The Sims 4.Portable.reg" /y %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /s /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis" /f * %reg64%|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis" /f %reg64%
) >nul 2>&1
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" "%SavesPath%\Reg\Electronic Arts.Portable.reg" /y /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin.Portable.reg" /y /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin Games.Portable.reg" /y /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
) >nul 2>&1
exit /b

rmdir /q "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts"
ren "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" "Electronic Arts"
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 rmdir /q "%APPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%APPDATA%\Origin.PortableBackup" "Origin"
 rmdir /q "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin.PortableBackup" "Origin"
exit /b

if exist "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" (
 del /f "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
 ren "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" "RldOrigin.ini"
exit /b

title %ScriptTitle% - Running...
if "%AnotherInstanceRunning%"=="1" goto :AnotherInstanceDetected1

call :REGBackup
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\The Sims 4.Portable.reg" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "IsPortable" /d "1" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "DisplayName" /d "The Sims 4 Portable" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "GDFBinary" /d "%GameInstallationPath%\__Installer\GDFBinary_%Language%.dll" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "GDFBinary64" /d "%GameInstallationPath%\__Installer\GDFBinary_%Language%_64.dll" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "Install Dir" /d "%GameInstallationPath%" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "Locale" /d "%Language%" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\InstallOptSelect" /f /ve /d "1" %reg64%
 if not exist "%SavesPath%\Reg\The Sims 4.Portable.reg" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "Product GUID" /d "{48EBEBBF-B9F8-4520-A3CF-89A730721917}" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "GameExplorer" /d "{2188209F-D146-42AE-B76C-816118F43C9F}" %reg64%
) >nul 2>&1
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\Electronic Arts.Portable.reg" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /v "IsPortable" /d "1" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "ClientAccessDLLPath" /d "%OriginPath%\legacyPM\CmdPortalClient.dll" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "ClientPath" /d "%OriginPath%\legacyPM\OriginLegacyCLI.exe" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "EADM6InstallDir" /d "%OriginPath%" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EADM" /f /v "ClientPath" /d "%OriginPath%\Origin.exe" /reg:32
 if not exist "%SavesPath%\Reg\Electronic Arts.Portable.reg" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "ClientVersion" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "EADM6Version" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EADM" /f /v "ClientVersion" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin.Portable.reg" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "IsPortable" /d "1" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "ClientPath" /d "%OriginPath%\Origin.exe" /reg:32
 if not exist "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin.Portable.reg" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "AutopatchGlobal" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "Autoupdate" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "ClientVersion" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "InstallSuccesfull" /d "true" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "IsBeta" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "TelemOO" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin Games.Portable.reg" /reg:32
) >nul 2>&1

call :DIRBackup
md "%SavesPath%\Reg"
mklink /%mklink% "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts" "%SavesPath%"
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 md "%SavesPath%\Origin\LocalAppData"
 mklink /%mklink% "%APPDATA%\Origin" "%SavesPath%\Origin"
 mklink /%mklink% "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin" "%SavesPath%\Origin\LocalAppData"

call :RldOriginBackup
if exist "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" for /f "usebackq tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ("%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini") do if not "%%b"=="" (
 if /i not "%%a"=="Language" (
 echo %%a=%%b>> "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
 ) else (
 echo %%a=%Language%>> "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
) else (
 echo %%a>> "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"

taskkill /im "Origin.exe" /t /f

if exist "%GameBin%" (
 start "" /wait "%GameBin%"
) else (
 start "" notepad "%ConfigurationFile%"

set AnotherInstanceRunning=0
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2,9 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /v /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo csv') do (
 echo %%~b| find /i "%ScriptTitle% - Running..." >nul 2>&1&& if not "%%~a"=="%ScriptPID%" set AnotherInstanceRunning=1

if "%AnotherInstanceRunning%"=="1" goto :AnotherInstanceDetected2

taskkill /im "Origin.exe" /t /f
call :REGRestoration
call :DIRRestoration
call :RldOriginRestoration
And this .ini
GameInstallationPath=C:\Users\dmannens\Desktop\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\TS4_x64.exe
SavesPath=C:\Users\dmannens\Desktop\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\Saves
;Optional, for power users. Write GameBin=Game\Bin\TS4.exe if you need to run the Reloaded game without elevated privileges or write Origin to run Origin:
GameBin=C:\Users\dmannens\Desktop\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\TS4_x64.exe


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 20 Jul 2019, 20:33

digitql wrote:Still launch in en_US sorry

And I try to launch TS4_x64 with W10 x64.

Do you have any idea how to change ?

And when I launch this cmd 

With this config, still in en

@echo off

if "%ScriptTitle%"=="" set ScriptTitle=The Sims 4 Portable
title %ScriptTitle% - Initializing...
if "%SfxString1%"=="" nircmd win hide ititle "%ScriptTitle% - Initializing..."

set AnotherInstanceRunning=0
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2,9 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /v /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo csv') do (
 echo %%~b| find /i "%ScriptTitle% - Initializing..." >nul 2>&1&& set ScriptPID=%%~a
 echo %%~b| find /i "%ScriptTitle% - Running..." >nul 2>&1&& if not "%%~a"=="%ScriptPID%" set AnotherInstanceRunning=1

if /i not "%CD%"=="%windir%\System32" (
 set CurrentDir=%CD%
) else (
 set CurrentDir=%~dp0
if "%CurrentDir:~-1%"=="\" set CurrentDir=%CurrentDir:~0,-1%
if "%System32Dir%"=="" set System32Dir=%windir%\System32
if "%VirtualHKLMSoftware%"=="" set VirtualHKLMSoftware=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE

if "%GameInstallationPath%"=="" set GameInstallationPath=%CurrentDir%
if "%SavesPath%"=="" set SavesPath=%CurrentDir%\Saves
if "%OriginPath%"=="" set OriginPath=%CurrentDir%\Origin

for %%a in (%*) do if /i "%%~xa"==".ini" set ConfigurationFile=%%~a
if "%ConfigurationFile%"=="" set ConfigurationFile=%CurrentDir%\%~n0.ini
if not exist "%ConfigurationFile%" (
 if "%Language%"=="" for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('%System32Dir%\reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language" /v Installlanguage') do (
 if [%%a] equ [0405] set Language=cs_CZ
 if [%%a] equ [0406] set Language=da_DK
 if [%%a] equ [0407] set Language=de_DE
 if [%%a] equ [0409] set Language=en_US
 if [%%a] equ [0C0A] set Language=es_ES
 if [%%a] equ [040B] set Language=fi_FI
 if [%%a] equ [040C] set Language=fr_FR
 if [%%a] equ [0410] set Language=it_IT
 if [%%a] equ [0411] set Language=ja_JP
 if [%%a] equ [0412] set Language=ko_KR
 if [%%a] equ [0413] set Language=nl_NL
 if [%%a] equ [0414] set Language=no_NO
 if [%%a] equ [0415] set Language=pl_PL
 if [%%a] equ [0416] set Language=pt_BR
 if [%%a] equ [0419] set Language=ru_RU
 if [%%a] equ [041D] set Language=sv_SE
 if [%%a] equ [0404] set Language=zh_TW
chcp 1252>nul
if exist "%ConfigurationFile%" (
 for /f "usebackq eol=; tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%ConfigurationFile%") do (
 if not "%%~b"=="" if exist "%CurrentDir%\%%~b" (
 call set %%~a=%CurrentDir%\%%~b
 ) else (
 call set %%~a=%%~b
) else (
 echo GameInstallationPath=> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo Language=%Language%>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo SavesPath=>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo OriginPath=>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo ;Optional, for power users. Write GameBin=Game\Bin\TS4.exe if you need to run the Reloaded game without elevated privileges or write Origin to run Origin:>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo GameBin=>> "%ConfigurationFile%"
 echo New INI file created: "%ConfigurationFile%"
chcp 850>nul

if "%GameBin%"=="%OriginPath%" set GameBin=%OriginPath%\Origin.exe
if "%GameBin%"=="Origin" set GameBin=%OriginPath%\Origin.exe

"%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0"| find /i "x86">nul&& (
 if "%WOW6432Node%"=="" set WOW6432Node=
 if "%GameBin%"=="" set GameBin=%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\TS4.exe
)|| (
 if "%WOW6432Node%"=="" set WOW6432Node=\WOW6432Node
 if "%GameBin%"=="" set GameBin=%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\TS4_x64.exe
"%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19 >nul 2>&1&& (
 if "%IsElevated%"=="" set IsElevated=1
 if "%mklink%"=="" set mklink=d
)|| (
 if "%IsElevated%"=="" set IsElevated=0
 if "%mklink%"=="" set mklink=j
 set VirtualHKLMSoftware=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE%WOW6432Node%
 if "%WOW6432Node%"=="\WOW6432Node" (
 set System32Dir=%windir%\SysWOW64
 echo %GameBin%| find /i "x64"> nul&& set reg64=/reg:64
 if exist "%GameBin%_No_Admin.exe" set GameBin=%GameBin:.exe=_No_Admin.exe%

for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%a in ('%System32Dir%\reg.exe query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal"') do set DocumentsDir=%%a

echo ConfigurationFile: %ConfigurationFile%
echo GameInstallationPath: %GameInstallationPath%
echo Language: %Language%
echo SavesPath: %SavesPath%
echo OriginPath: %OriginPath%
echo GameBin: %GameBin%
echo Variables loaded

goto :ScriptBeginning

 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /v "IsPortable" %reg64%&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" /f * %reg64%|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" /s /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f %reg64%
) >nul 2>&1
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /v "IsPortable" /reg:32&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /v "IsPortable" /reg:32&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /v "IsPortable" /reg:32&& "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
) >nul 2>&1
exit /b

rmdir /q "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts"
ren "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts" "Electronic Arts.PortableBackup"
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 rmdir /q "%APPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%APPDATA%\Origin" "Origin.PortableBackup"
 rmdir /q "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin" "Origin.PortableBackup"
exit /b

if not exist "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" (
 ren "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini" "RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini"
) else (
 del /f "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
exit /b

 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" "%SavesPath%\Reg\The Sims 4.Portable.reg" /y %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /s /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4.PortableBackup" /f %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis" /f * %reg64%|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis" /f %reg64%
) >nul 2>&1
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" "%SavesPath%\Reg\Electronic Arts.Portable.reg" /y /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin.Portable.reg" /y /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin.PortableBackup" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin Games.Portable.reg" /y /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" copy "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /s /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games.PortableBackup" /f /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f * /reg:32|| "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin Games" /f /reg:32
) >nul 2>&1
exit /b

rmdir /q "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts"
ren "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts.PortableBackup" "Electronic Arts"
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 rmdir /q "%APPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%APPDATA%\Origin.PortableBackup" "Origin"
 rmdir /q "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin"
 ren "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin.PortableBackup" "Origin"
exit /b

if exist "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" (
 del /f "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
 ren "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" "RldOrigin.ini"
exit /b

title %ScriptTitle% - Running...
if "%AnotherInstanceRunning%"=="1" goto :AnotherInstanceDetected1

call :REGBackup
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\The Sims 4.Portable.reg" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "IsPortable" /d "1" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "DisplayName" /d "The Sims 4 Portable" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "GDFBinary" /d "%GameInstallationPath%\__Installer\GDFBinary_%Language%.dll" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "GDFBinary64" /d "%GameInstallationPath%\__Installer\GDFBinary_%Language%_64.dll" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "Install Dir" /d "%GameInstallationPath%" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "Locale" /d "%Language%" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\InstallOptSelect" /f /ve /d "1" %reg64%
 if not exist "%SavesPath%\Reg\The Sims 4.Portable.reg" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "Product GUID" /d "{48EBEBBF-B9F8-4520-A3CF-89A730721917}" %reg64%
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4" /f /v "GameExplorer" /d "{2188209F-D146-42AE-B76C-816118F43C9F}" %reg64%
) >nul 2>&1
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\Electronic Arts.Portable.reg" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts" /f /v "IsPortable" /d "1" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "ClientAccessDLLPath" /d "%OriginPath%\legacyPM\CmdPortalClient.dll" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "ClientPath" /d "%OriginPath%\legacyPM\OriginLegacyCLI.exe" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "EADM6InstallDir" /d "%OriginPath%" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EADM" /f /v "ClientPath" /d "%OriginPath%\Origin.exe" /reg:32
 if not exist "%SavesPath%\Reg\Electronic Arts.Portable.reg" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "ClientVersion" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Core" /f /v "EADM6Version" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EADM" /f /v "ClientVersion" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin.Portable.reg" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "IsPortable" /d "1" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "ClientPath" /d "%OriginPath%\Origin.exe" /reg:32
 if not exist "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin.Portable.reg" (
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "AutopatchGlobal" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "Autoupdate" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "ClientVersion" /d "" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "InstallSuccesfull" /d "true" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "IsBeta" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Origin" /f /v "TelemOO" /d "false" /reg:32
 "%System32Dir%\reg.exe" import "%SavesPath%\Reg\Origin Games.Portable.reg" /reg:32
) >nul 2>&1

call :DIRBackup
md "%SavesPath%\Reg"
mklink /%mklink% "%DocumentsDir%\Electronic Arts" "%SavesPath%"
if exist "%OriginPath%" (
 md "%SavesPath%\Origin\LocalAppData"
 mklink /%mklink% "%APPDATA%\Origin" "%SavesPath%\Origin"
 mklink /%mklink% "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Origin" "%SavesPath%\Origin\LocalAppData"

call :RldOriginBackup
if exist "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini" for /f "usebackq tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ("%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.PortableBackup.ini") do if not "%%b"=="" (
 if /i not "%%a"=="Language" (
 echo %%a=%%b>> "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
 ) else (
 echo %%a=%Language%>> "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"
) else (
 echo %%a>> "%GameInstallationPath%\Game\Bin\RldOrigin.ini"

taskkill /im "Origin.exe" /t /f

if exist "%GameBin%" (
 start "" /wait "%GameBin%"
) else (
 start "" notepad "%ConfigurationFile%"

set AnotherInstanceRunning=0
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2,9 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /v /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo csv') do (
 echo %%~b| find /i "%ScriptTitle% - Running..." >nul 2>&1&& if not "%%~a"=="%ScriptPID%" set AnotherInstanceRunning=1

if "%AnotherInstanceRunning%"=="1" goto :AnotherInstanceDetected2

taskkill /im "Origin.exe" /t /f
call :REGRestoration
call :DIRRestoration
call :RldOriginRestoration
And this .ini
GameInstallationPath=C:\Users\dmannens\Desktop\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\TS4_x64.exe
SavesPath=C:\Users\dmannens\Desktop\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\Saves
;Optional, for power users. Write GameBin=Game\Bin\TS4.exe if you need to run the Reloaded game without elevated privileges or write Origin to run Origin:
GameBin=C:\Users\dmannens\Desktop\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\TS4_x64.exe

Welcome to the Forum first of all,

Have you already tried editing the registry entries manually? Look under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => Software => Wow6432Node => Maxis => The Sims 4, and change the GDFBinary and Locale-entries manually.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 32 bits (x86)
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, Destiny 2.


Posts : 18958
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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 20:40

The_gh0stm4n wrote:
Welcome to the Forum first of all,

Have you already tried editing the registry entries manually? Look under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => Software => Wow6432Node => Maxis => The Sims 4, and change the GDFBinary and Locale-entries manually.

Thank you. 

I don't have this entry. As I said it's a portable one.

This is a temporary key as I describe before.

Here for remember :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"DisplayName"="The Sims 4 Portable"
"GDFBinary"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\TS4_x64.exe\\__Installer\\GDFBinary_fr_FR.dll"
"GDFBinary64"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\TS4_x64.exe\\__Installer\\GDFBinary_fr_FR_64.dll"
"Install Dir"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\TS4_x64.exe"
"Product GUID"="{48EBEBBF-B9F8-4520-A3CF-89A730721917}"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\InstallOptSelect]


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 20 Jul 2019, 20:57

Oh damnit, you're absolutely right, this thing here does not actually create "real" registry keys. I totally forgot about that topic here:

Been such a long time. WhatDidUJustCallMe?  I can't really help much I'm afraid, however, if I were to make a wild guess, then I noticed this snippet here, in the script:

if "%Language%"=="" for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in
('%System32Dir%\reg.exe query
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language" /v
Installlanguage') do (
 if [%%a] equ [0405] set Language=cs_CZ
 if [%%a] equ [0406] set Language=da_DK
 if [%%a] equ [0407] set Language=de_DE
 if [%%a] equ [0409] set Language=en_US
 if [%%a] equ [0C0A] set Language=es_ES
 if [%%a] equ [040B] set Language=fi_FI
 if [%%a] equ [040C] set Language=fr_FR
 if [%%a] equ [0410] set Language=it_IT
 if [%%a] equ [0411] set Language=ja_JP
 if [%%a] equ [0412] set Language=ko_KR
 if [%%a] equ [0413] set Language=nl_NL
 if [%%a] equ [0414] set Language=no_NO
 if [%%a] equ [0415] set Language=pl_PL
 if [%%a] equ [0416] set Language=pt_BR
 if [%%a] equ [0419] set Language=ru_RU
 if [%%a] equ [041D] set Language=sv_SE
 if [%%a] equ [0404] set Language=zh_TW

This path in the registry:

On my part the code under "InstallLanguage" is 0409. So according to the chart, that is English. Maybe that script bases the temporary registry keys for the game, on what is under that registry path? But don't take my word for it; I literally have no meaningful technical knowledge whatsoever.

Please for @anadius to comment on this. Very Happy
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 32 bits (x86)
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, Destiny 2.


Posts : 18958
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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 21:37

digitql wrote:
The_gh0stm4n wrote:
Welcome to the Forum first of all,

Have you already tried editing the registry entries manually? Look under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => Software => Wow6432Node => Maxis => The Sims 4, and change the GDFBinary and Locale-entries manually.

Thank you. 

I don't have this entry. As I said it's a portable one.

This is a temporary key as I describe before.

Here for remember :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"DisplayName"="The Sims 4 Portable"
"GDFBinary"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\TS4_x64.exe\\__Installer\\GDFBinary_fr_FR.dll"
"GDFBinary64"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\TS4_x64.exe\\__Installer\\GDFBinary_fr_FR_64.dll"
"Install Dir"="C:\\Users\\dmannens\\Desktop\\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\TS4_x64.exe"
"Product GUID"="{48EBEBBF-B9F8-4520-A3CF-89A730721917}"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\InstallOptSelect]

I see that I'ev too 0409 and en_US but my windows is french... I tried to switch en with fr but doesn't work so easily haha


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 21:40

Sorry it's 0409, so it's related to french in my registry


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 20 Jul 2019, 22:16

That part quoted by The_gh0stm4n doesn't matter because the script skips it completely if config file is present.

Did some tests and results are unfortunate. You can't change language without admin rights. I've tried editing codex.cfg, I've tried creating user-specific registry keys and nothing helped.
The game reads language from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\Locale". You can't set the value there because you have no administrative rights. There is something like registry virtualization and you should be able to set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims 4\Locale" instead but it doesn't work. I've tried but I don't think I can help you with this one.


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 20 Jul 2019, 23:40

I've also decided to basket the thread with that "portable Sims 4", since it's basically dealing with an old version of The Sims 4.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
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  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, Destiny 2.


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Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED] Empty Re: Impossible to switch TS4_x64 PORTABLE in FR. [UNRESOLVED]

Post by Sponsored content

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