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How can i get costum stuff on sims 3 Crack?

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How can i get costum stuff on sims 3 Crack? Empty How can i get costum stuff on sims 3 Crack?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Aug 2012, 19:10

Can someone tell me if its possible to get Custom Stuff like Furniture/Cloths etc... on sims 3 crack, like the ones from the exchange?
And if it is can someone tell me where and how?
Thanks,I will appritiate it very much.
Sorry if my english is messed up, im russian.


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How can i get costum stuff on sims 3 Crack? Empty Re: How can i get costum stuff on sims 3 Crack?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Mon 13 Aug 2012, 10:03



Of course you can. There have been some problems with downloads from the exchange recently, we don't know yet why or if it's limited to cracked games.
But may I suggest you start here, this is G4TW's official mediafire account and we have all of the objects from the Sims Store for download there.
Modthesims has objects as well as game mods, they only require you to register (for free) to download what they offer.
Thesimsresource has free items, but also thngs you have to get a paid account to download. I wouldn't recommend paying for any of it though, there are sites that are against paying for custom content, read this.
As for how to install them, it depends on whether the things you download are package files, or sims3pack files.
For package files: Read this.
For sims3packs: They are placed in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads. Then open the launcher, go to the "downloads" tab and install them from there.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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