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Can't even install... [CLOSED]

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Can't even install... [CLOSED] Empty Can't even install... [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Tue 18 Sep 2012, 01:01

So i tried installing the sims 3, base.. and the installer doesnt even complete... gives me this error ;

Nvm, install worked this time, but updating won't work.. not even the manual one..
Saying this ; Kan de huidige versie van te toepassing niet bepalen, setup wordt nu afgesloten (dutch)
Can't find current version of the application, setup will be closed ( english)
I tried to run it as administrator, it now executes the manual update but just before it is finished it still says ^

Sims 3 will start and work, but none of the add ons are being displayed or played
whenever i try to run a add on, like showtime it just launches as The Sims 3 base..
Additionall info ;

Games4theworld Sims 3 Torrent
ACER Laptop
Intel i3 Core
8gb RAM
NVIDIA Geforce 620M

Thing is,

i once installed the same torrent + some expansions on my PC, in the same way i am trying now.. but it just wont work


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Can't even install... [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't even install... [CLOSED]

Post by t2sink Tue 18 Sep 2012, 02:56

Perform a Re-check on the .rar in your torrent client.

Also are you using WinRAR to extract it?
Can get it here.
For the .torrent file of WinRar
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